
Diabetes Library
Amaryl (glimepiride) Drug Warnings & Precautions


What is the most important information I should know about glimepiride?

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What is the most important information I should know about glimepiride? MedHelp.org Take care not to let your blood sugar get too low, causing hypoglycemia. You may have hypoglycemia if you skip a READ MORE

Amaryl Warnings & Precautions

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Amaryl Warnings & Precautions HealthScout.com WARNINGS SPECIAL WARNING ON INCREASED RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY The administration of oral hypoglycemic drugs has been reported to be ass READ MORE

Amaryl - Warnings & Precautions

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Amaryl - Warnings & Precautions HealthCentral.com WARNINGS SPECIAL WARNING ON INCREASED RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY The administration of oral hypoglycemic drugs has been reported to READ MORE

Amaryl Warnings and Precautions

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Amaryl Warnings and Precautions eMedTV.com Some Amaryl warnings and precautions include the risk of death due to heart or blood vessel problems and potential drug interactions. Prior to taking Ama READ MORE
Amaryl (glimepiride) Drug Warnings & Precautions: Type 2 diabetics may be prescribed Amaryl to keep blood sugar levels or blood glucose levels under control; it is in the sulfonylureas class of diabetes medications. Monitor your blood sugar with a glucose monitor. Discuss the medication with your physician if you have liver or kidney problems (including renal failure), any allergies, or adrenal insufficiency. Patients diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis are advised not to take Amaryl.
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