
Diabetes Library
Diabetes Resources for Children


Video Games Zap Kids' Diabetes Risk

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Video Games Zap Kids' Diabetes Risk October 28, 2008 By Miranda Hitti WebMD Two new video games have their sights set on curbing type 2 diabetes in children by promoting healthy diets and acti READ MORE

Grandma Sandy.com

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Grandma Sandy.com This website belongs to me, Sandra J. Hollenberg, Malcolm's Grandma Sandy. I am a Grandmother, not a health care professional. When Malcolm was diagnosed in 1996 I became a fundr READ MORE
It is important to educate children with diabetes early and in a non-intimidating fashion, so that they understand the importance of Diabetes control, a low carbohydrate diet and other healthy food, exercise and medicine for Diabetes if prescribed. With the right information, children with Diabetes can conquer Diabetes management and control blood sugar levels while living happy, healthy lives.
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