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Diabetes and Stem Cell Research in Alabama


Alabama Woman: "I'm Living Proof that Adult Stem Cells Work Far Better than Embr...

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Alabama Woman: "I'm Living Proof that Adult Stem Cells Work Far Better than Embryonic" Adult stem cells heal a woman's heart crippled by heart-attack Friday August 10, 2007 Elizabeth O'Brien LifeS READ MORE

Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research www.alabamapolicy.org Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is a new frontier in medical science. The current public debate primarily involves embryonic stem cell research. READ MORE

Alabama: State Embryonic & Fetal Research Laws as of January, 2008

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Alabama: State Embryonic & Fetal Research Laws as of January, 2008 Data are as of January 26, 2008. There are four primary sources for embryonic stem cells: existing stem cell lines, aborted or misc READ MORE
Diabetes and stem cell research in Alabama is regulated by the state. Diabetes is an illness which may require insulin, blood sugar monitors, or a blood glucose monitor. Diabetics should also maintain a healthy diet.
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