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Diabetes and Stem Cell Research in Louisiana


Law Unclear On Some Types Of Stem Cell Research

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Law Unclear On Some Types Of Stem Cell Research Louisiana Research Awaiting Legal Interpretation April 3, 2009 The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS -- The future of human embryonic stem cell researc READ MORE

Louisiana Activists Attempt to Derail Total Human Cloning Ban

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Louisiana Activists Attempt to Derail Total Human Cloning Ban June 12, 2004 by Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com Baton Rouge, LA (LifeNews.com) -- Supporters of embryonic stem cell research in Louisian READ MORE

Louisiana's House debates ban on cloned stem cell research

Votes:13 Comments:0
Louisiana's House debates ban on cloned stem cell research July 5th, 2004 NewsRx Both sides of the cloning issue touted high-powered political support June 15, 2004, as the Louisiana House began READ MORE
Diabetes and stem cell research in Louisiana is regulated by Louisiana state laws. Diabetes research includes stem cells. Diabetics take insulin injections and monitor their blood sugar level, blood pressure, and eat a healthy diabetic diet.
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