
Diabetes Library
Diabetic Kidney Problems for Health Providers


Diabetes can cause diabetic kidney disease

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Diabetes can cause diabetic kidney disease the Diabetes Monitor Diabetes can cause diabetic kidney disease (also called diabetic nephropathy), which can lead to kidney failure. There�s a lot you READ MORE

Kidney damage causes high blood pressure

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Kidney damage causes high blood pressure 9-Feb-2009 Medical Research News Doctors have long believed that high blood pressure directly caused kidney damage. However, new research out of Wa READ MORE

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Linked to Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients

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Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Linked to Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients May 30, 2008 by Judith Groch Medpage Today VERONA, Italy, May 30 -- For patients with type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fat READ MORE
Diabetic kidney problems for health providers provides information about diabetes and kidney problems. People with diabetes that eat a healthy diabetic menu, monitor their blood glucose, and exercise cut their risk of kidney problems.
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