Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis involve the buildup of deposits on the insides of the artery walls, which causes thickening and hardening of the arteries. In arteriosclerosis, the deposits are composed largely of calcium; in atherosclerosis, the deposits consist of fatty substances. Both conditions have about the same effect on circulation, causing high blood pressure and ultimately leading to angina (chest pain brought on by exertion), heart attack, stroke, and/or sudden cardiac death.
Although arteriosclerosis causes high blood pressure, high blood pressure can also cause atherosclerosis. Calcium-based and fatty deposits typically form in areas of the arteries that have been weakened by high blood pressure or strain. The consequent narrowing of the arteries then makes the blood pressure that is already high even higher. As the arteries become less pliable and less permeable, cells may experience ischemia (oxygen starvation) due to insufficient circulation. If one of the coronary arteries becomes obstructed by accumulated deposits, or by a blood clot that has either formed or snagged on the deposit, the heart muscle will be starved for oxygen and an individual will suffer a heart attack, also referred to as a myocardial infarction (MI) or coronary occlusion (a coronary). Older people are at a greater risk for this kind of heart trouble. When arteriosclerosis occludes the arterial supply of blood to the brain, a cerebrovascular accident, or stroke, occurs.
Peripheral atherosclerosis, also called arteriosclerosis obliterans, is a type of peripheral vascular disease in which the lower limbs are affected. In the early stages, the major arteries that carry blood to the legs and feet become narrowed by fatty deposits. Atherosclerosis of the leg or foot not only can limit a person's mobility, but can also lead to loss of a limb. People who have diseased arteries in the leg or foot are likely to have them elsewhere, mainly in the heart or brain.
Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) is the result of a buildup of fatty materials or calcium on the walls of an artery. The deposits narrow blood vessels and decrease their elasticity, limiting the flow of blood and the oxygen supply to organs and tissues. High blood pressure usually results from the constriction of blood flow; it can precede it as well, damaging blood vessels and increasing the risk of deposits forming. The danger of hardened arteries varies according to where they form. Hardened cardiac arteries may cause tightness or pain in the chest, make any exertion difficult and can lead to a heart attack if an artery becomes blocked. Dizziness, forgetfulness, and lack of concentration may be signs that arteries in the brain are affected; stroke may result. Hardening of the leg arteries is marked by cold feet and by pain that occurs because of walking, when leg muscles do not receive the increased oxygen that they need. Hardening of the arteries is a condition that can be prevented with diet and exercise; healing foods, homeopathy and herbal therapy can offer effective and natural support for treatment.
Early signs of peripheral atherosclerosis are:
Aching muscles.
Cramp-like pains in the ankles and legs. Pain in the legs (most often in the calf, but sometimes in the foot, thigh, hip or buttocks) that is brought on by walking and is promptly relieved by rest is called intermittent claudication. This is often the first symptom of developing peripheral atherosclerosis.
Depending on which arteries are blocked, there may also be pain in the hips and thighs.
Heavy feeling in the legs.
These symptoms occur because the amount of oxygenated blood that makes it through the plaque-clogged arteries is insufficient to meet the needs of the exercising leg muscles. The closer to the problem lies to the abdominal aorta - the central artery that branches into the legs - the more tissue is affected and the more dangerous the condition.
An estimated 1 million Americans are disabled by peripheral vascular disease (diseases involving the blood vessels in the extremities) each year. Most of those affected have at least one of the major risk factors for atherosclerosis:
Family history of the disease.
Hypertension (high blood pressure).
Abnormal cholesterol levels.
Advancing age increases the likelihood of developing these diseases.
Atherosclerosis of the coronary or cerebral arteries.
A form of cholesterol found in hamburgers and other fried and processed foods may be even worse for the heart than ordinary cholesterol. Cholesterol becomes oxidized when it is heated, dried, or exposed to sunlight. This oxidized cholesterol appears to accelerate the buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries feeding the heart. Fried foods, and processed and cooked foods made with butter (although not with fresh butter itself), eggs, dried milk, and other sources of animal fat frequently contain oxidized cholesterol.
Heavy drinking is more of a risk factor for atherosclerosis than heavy smoking. Regular consumption of more than 50 grams of alcohol a day, roughly equivalent to 2 bottles of beer or 2 glasses of wine, is a "prominent risk factor for early atherogenesis [plaque development], surpassing even the effect of heavy smoking," according to an article in the journal Stroke.
Infection with Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted microbe, accelerates the process of atherosclerosis. When this germ invades the blood-vessel linings, the immune system sends cells to surround and digest the microorganisms. These immune cells attract cholesterol and eventually form the basis for plaque. Some studies suggest that as many as 40 percent of all cases of atherosclerosis involve Chlamydia. For more information about controlling chlamydia, see the links below.
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: STDs - Chlamydia
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: STDs - Gonorrhea
Infection with Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium associated with peptic ulcers, may also trigger an immune response that increases the risk of coronary artery disease.
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness Information: Peptic Ulcer
Sensitivity to pesticides may be linked to a higher than average risk of atherosclerosis. In the body, LDL cholesterol and phosphate-based pesticides are broken down by the same enzyme, paraoxanase. Exposure to pesticides may deplete this enzyme, leading to an increase in LDLs.
Osteoporosis is a greater risk factor for atherosclerosis. Older women with the greatest loss of calcium from bone are also the women most likely to have calcium-containing cholesterol plaques in their carotid arteries. This effect can be offset, however, by Vitamin D. Taking a Vitamin D supplement is not necessary, since the vitamin is manufactured by the skin in response to sunlight. Expose your face and hands to direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes every day.
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: Osteoporosis (Overview)
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: Osteoporosis (Cause, Treatment, & Nutrition)
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness Information: Osteoporosis & Calcium
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: Osteoporosis Therapy
A simple test can determine how well the blood is flowing through the arteries of the legs. There are three places on the lower leg where a pulsating artery can be felt by lightly touching the skin covering the artery. One spot is the top of the foot; the second spot is the inner aspect of the ankle; and the third spot is behind the knee.
Apply pressure lightly to the skin on these spots. If you can not find a pulse, this is an indication that the artery supplying the leg may be narrowed. Special studies may be needed. Consult with your health care provider.
Loss of limb.
Heart attack.
In a study involving people who adopted a vegetarian diet that restricted fat intake to 10 percent of total calories, these people showed a significant regression of advanced coronary artery disease after one year. The diet also limited dietary cholesterol to no more than 5 milligrams (mg) per day. In contrast, most Americans consume 37 percent of their total calories as fats, and 300 to 500 mg of dietary cholesterol each day.
Kombucha tea may help prevent and treat arteriosclerosis.
Kombucha Tea, 100% Organic, Original Flavor, Ready To Drink, Single Bottle, 2 fl. oz.
Kombucha Tea, 100% Organic, Original Flavor, Ready To Drink, Case of 24, 12 fl. oz.
Kombucha Tea, 100% Organic, Bottled, Ginger Flavor, Ready To Drink, Case of 24, 12 fl. oz.
MoonDragon's Nutrition Therapy: Kombucha Tea
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone that has been shown to help prevent hardening of the arteries.
MoonDragon's Health Therapies: DHEA Therapy
Chelation therapy can break up arterial plaque and improve circulation.
MoonDragon's Health Therapies: Chelation Therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used in some countries to treat and improve circulation.
MoonDragon's Health Therapies: HBOT Therapy
Many health care providers recommend angioplasty or bypass surgery for people with hardening of the arteries, particularly for those with disabling angina. Angioplasty is a procedure in which blocked vessels are reopened by flattening cholesterol and debris against artery walls. Bypass surgery involves taking healthy blood vessels from elsewhere in the body (usually the leg) and inserting them to detour around a diseased coronary artery. Unless people undergoing these procedures make significant nutritional and lifestyle changes, however, the disease process (arteriosclerosis) will continue, and it is only a matter of time before the fatty deposits begin to build up again.
Anti-coagulants such as aspirin are often prescribed to make the blood less prone to clotting. For this to be effective, supplemental vitamin K and foods rich in vitamin K must be avoided.
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness: Cardiovascular Disease
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness: Heart Attack
Impotence can result from disease.
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness: Impotence
Anti-coagulants, such as aspirin, may be prescribed to make the blood less prone to clotting. For this treatment to be effective, supplemental Vitamin K and foods rich in vitamin K must be avoided.
Health care providers usually recommend that people with atherosclerosis eliminate major sources of dietary cholesterol as a way of stopping the disease process before it starts. Cholesterol-reducing drugs, which usually modify the way the liver processes cholesterol, may be prescribed as well.
Eat a nutrient-rich diet. Vitamins and minerals are essential in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. They affect circulation, fat breakdown, the tone of heart muscles and blood vessels and calcium absorption. Nutrient-rich raw vegetables and fruits should play a central role in your diet. Season your dishes with fresh or dried herbs instead of salt. High blood pressure has been linked to a high sodium intake.
Eat high-fiber foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Fruits, vegetables, and grains should be your main foods.
Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin E to improve circulation. Good choices include dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, and whole grains.
Use only pure cold-pressed olive oil or unrefined canola oil (in moderate amounts) as fats in the diet. These may aid in lowering cholesterol. Do not heat these oils.
Add marine fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, to your diet. They contain omega-3 fatty acids that may help prevent hardening of the arteries through decreasing cholesterol levels.
Drink steam-distilled water only. If steam distilled water is unavailable, drink quality bottled water.
Eat onions. Onions have many of the same cardioprotective effects as garlic when approximately 1 ounce (30 grams) per day are used in food preparation. You can eat your onions either raw or cooked, as you prefer. Because the key element here is the presence of sulfur, very mild onions, which are grown in sulfur-deficient soils, do not contain the compounds that counteract atherosclerosis and clot formation.
If you do not take soy isoflavone concentrate as recommended under "BENEFICIAL HERBS", below, eat soy products on a regular basis. Scientists have found that the estrogen-like compounds found in soy, known as phytoestrogens, are effective in slowing the progression of atherosclerosis. Phytoestrogens increase levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or "good") cholesterol and, unlike some estrogen replacement therapies used to treat menopause, can lower triglyceride (blood fat) levels that are elevated after excessive consumption of milk fats. Soy is also a rich source of the amino acid arginine, which keeps blood cells from sticking to the inside of artery walls and forming clots. Soy may be especially helpful in controlling atherosclerosis for women who have diabetes.
If your diet otherwise permits, drink 12 to 14 ounces of purple grape juice or one glass of red wine daily. These beverages contain flavonoid compounds that stop the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, or "bad cholesterol") as effectively as Vitamin E. Moreover, flavonoids strengthen the muscle cells lining the arteries so that they can dilate the artery more easily, allowing freer circulation of blood.
High levels of cholesterol are also implicated as a major risk factor. Avoid foods rich in saturated fats, especially beef, milk products and fried foods. Do not eat any candies, chips, fried foods, gravies, high cholesterol foods, junk foods, pies, processed foods, red meat, or saturated fats. Avoid egg yolks, ice cream, salt, and all foods containing white flour and/or sugar. Do not use stimulants such as coffee, colas, and tobacco; also eliminate alcohol and highly spiced foods.
Avoid organ meats, such as liver. Organ meats not only contain large amounts of cholesterol, but also are potent sources of iron. Excess iron, which accelerates the process of atherosclerosis, can be removed through the use of chelation therapy.
Maintain a healthy weight for your height. Obesity causes unfavorable changes in serum lipoprotein levels. A diet low in saturated fats will help you to maintain a healthy weight; excess weight puts you at risk.
Reduce stress and learn techniques to help you handle stress that cannot be avoided. Adopt as optimistic an attitude as possible. Stress drives up blood pressure, which is also a risk factor. Feelings of hopelessness can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis in the carotid arteries, the large arteries in the neck that carry blood to the brain. Finnish researchers have found that "negative expectation about oneself and the future" in men accelerates plaque development in the carotid arteries by about 20 percent, and is roughly as harmful to blood-vessel health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. In women, atherosclerosis is more likely to be associated with suppressed anger and hostility. Relaxation techniques can be helpful.
MoonDragon's Obgyn Information: Stress
Get regular moderate exercise. Regular exercise has enormous benefits, both direct and indirect. Exercise helps to maintain your arteries' elasticity and improve their oxygen supply, and gives your muscles a regular workout. Your heart is a muscle, too, and you can improve its tone with activity. A daily walk or jog is good, but do not sprint. Sustained light or moderate exercise decreases the risk of LDL buildup on arterial walls. Short bursts of strenuous exercise, however, supply the blood with large amounts of oxygen, releasing harmful free radicals. Aerobic exercise, in particular, reduces the risk factors for artery hardening, especially weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Try swimming, hiking, brisk walking or biking for low impact aerobic exercise. Caution: If you are over 35 and/or have been sedentary from some time, consult with your health care provider before beginning any type of exercise program.
Periodically monitor your blood pressure, and take steps to lower it if necessary. Control of high blood pressure is important.
MoonDragon's Health & Wellness: Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Use an Ascorbic Acid Flush.
Do not smoke. Smoking is one of the greatest risk factors. Among other dangerous effects, it damages artery linings, especially the cardiac arteries, constricting them and making them vulnerable to deposit buildup. Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. As little as a half-hour in a smoke-filled room causes a serious drop in blood levels of such antioxidants as Vitamin C. Cigarette smoke contains large quantities of free radicals, many of which are known to oxidize low-density lipoproteins (LDL, the so-called "bad cholesterol"), making them more likely to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The free radical is one of the primary factors in the development of atherosclerosis. The effect of cigarette smoke may be due to the direct oxidation of lipids and proteins, and it may also have indirect effects, such as the depletion of various antioxidant defenses, which then allows other cellular processes (inflammation, for example) to modify LDL. In addition, smoking increases levels of LDL, lowers levels of high density lipoproteins (HDL, or "good cholesterol"), and increases the blood's tendency to form clots. If secondhand smoke is unavoidable, take 200 to 400 mg of Vitamin C daily.
Do not take any preparation containing shark cartilage unless specifically directed to do so by your health care provider. Shark cartilage may inhibit the formation of new blood vessels, the mechanism by which the body can increase circulatory capacity.
Nutritional supplements recommended are for adults.
Supplement Suggested Dosage Comments
Very Important
Magnesium 1,500 mg daily, taken at bedtime.
750 mg daily, taken at bedtime. Needed to maintain proper muscle tone in the blood vessels. Use chelate forms.
Calcium Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 700 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.,
Liquid Calcium W/ConcenTrace, Orange Vanilla, Trace Minerals, 1000 mg, 32 fl. oz.,
Cal-Mag Pre-Chelated Calcium & Magnesium, Vital Earth, 240 Gelcaps,
Magnesium Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 350 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.,
Just An Ounce Calcium & Magnesium Liquid, Almond Flavor, 16 fl. oz.,
Calcium & Magnesium Mineral Complex, 100% Natural, Nature's Way, 500 mg / 250 mg, 250 Caps
Vitamin D-3 400 IU daily. Needed for calcium uptake. Enhances immune system.
Dry Vitamin D, Nature's Way, 100% Natural, 400 IU, 100 Caps,
Vitamin D, NOW Foods, 1000 IU, 180 Softgels,
Vitamin D, NOW Foods, 2000 IU, 120 Softgels
Coenzyme Q-10 100 mg daily. Improves tissue oxygenation.
CoQ10 W/Hawthorn Berry, Healthy Heart Vegetarian Supplement, NOW Foods, 100 mg, 30 VCaps,
CoQ10, NOW Foods, 400 mg, 60 Softgels,
CoQ10, Vegetarian Coenzyme, NOW Foods, 30 mg, 60 VCaps
Essential Fatty Acids
(Flaxseed Oil and MaxEPA are good sources, Omega-3 oil complex) As directed on label. Reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, and helps to maintain proper elasticity of blood vessels. Be sure to use a product that contains vitamin E to keep the essential fatty acids from becoming rancid.
Omega Man Organic Flax Seed Oil, Non GMO, 1000 mg, 120 Caps,
Barlean's Organic Oil, Super High Potency, Omega 3 EPA, 60 Softgels,
Ultimate Oil, Omega-3-6 Essential Fatty Acids, Heart Health Supplement, Nature's Secret, 90 Softgels,
Omega 3-6-9 Liquid Essential Fatty Acids, NOW Foods, Organic, 16 fl. oz.
Garlic (Kyolic) As directed on label. Has a lipid (fat) regulating effect.
Garlic Oil, NOW Foods, 1500 mg, 250 Softgels,
Garlic Bulb Cloves Supplement, Nature's Way, 580 mg, 100 Caps,
Super Odorless Garlic, NOW Foods, 5000 mg, 90 Caps
Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Complex As directed on label. All nutrients are needed for protection.
Super Multi-Vitamin & Multi-Mineral, Pure Vital Earth, 32 fl. oz. (98% Bio-Available for Absorption),
Damage Control Master Formula, High Potency, Multi-Vitamin & Mineral, 60 Packets (30 Day Supply)
Selenium 200 mcg daily. Promotes the action of vitamin E.
Selenium Supplement, Yeast Free, NOW Foods, 200 mcg, 180 Caps,
Ionic Selenium, 300 mcg, 2 fl. oz., Trace Minerals,
Selenium Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 50 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.
Vitamin A 25,000 IU daily. If you are pregnant, do not exceed 10,000 IU daily. A potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Use emulsion form for easier assimilation.
Vitamin A, 10,000 IU, 100% Natural, Nature's Way, 100 Softgels
Natural Beta-Carotene 15,000 IU daily. An antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A.
Beta Carotene (Natural Dunaliella Salina), Nature's Way, 100% Natural, 25,000 IU, 100 Softgels
Carotenoid Complex (Betatene) As directed on label. An antioxidant.
Multi-Carotene Antioxidant, Nature's Way, 60 Softgels
Vitamin E Start with 200 IU daily and increase by 200 IU each week until you reach 1,000 IU daily. Helps to block the first steps leading to the disease. Use emulsion form for easier assimilation. Caution: If you are taking blood-thinning medication, consult your health care provider before taking vitamin E.
Vitamin E, D-Alpha-Tocopherol, Nature's Way, 400 IU, 100 Softgels,
Vitamin E, Mixed Tocopherols, Unesterified, 400 IU NOW Foods, 250 Softgels,
Vitamin E, DL-Alpha-Tocopherol, Hypoallergenic, Allergy Research Group, Nutricology, 400 IU, 120 Softgels
Vitamin C
(Ester C) 5,000-20,000 mg daily, in divided doses. Antioxidant that acts as a free radical scavenger. Works with vitamin E. Use a buffered form.
Vitamin C Liquid w/ Rose Hips & Bioflavonoids, Kosher, Natural Citrus Flavor, Dynamic Health, 1000 mg, 16 fl. oz.,
Ester C With Bioflavonoids, Nature's Way, 1000 mg, 90 Tabs,
Vitamin C 1000 With Bioflavonoids, Nature's Way, 100% Natural, 1000 mg, 250 Vcaps,
The Right C, Nature's Way, 1000 mg, 120 Tabs
Choline As directed on label. Aids in breaking down fat and expelling it from the body. Phosphatidyl choline is best.
Choline, 100% Natural, Nature's Way, 500 mg, 100 Tabs
Lecithin Granules
Capsules Granules: 1 tablespoon 3 times daily, with meals.
Capsules: 2,400 mg 3 times daily, with meals. A good source of choline.
Lecithin Vegetarian Granules, NOW Foods, 97% Phosphatides, Pure & Fresh, 1 lb.,
Lecithin Vegetarian Granules, NOW Foods, 97% Phosphatides, Identity Preserved Non-GE, 1 lb.,
Lecithin Liquid, NOW Foods, Vegetarian, 16 fl. oz.,
Lecithin, Nature's Way, 1200 mg, 100 Softgels
Citrin As directed on label. Inhibits the synthesis of potentially dangerous fats in the body.
Dimethylglycine (DMG) 125 mg 3 times daily. Improves tissue oxygenation.
DMG Supplement, N,N-Dimethyl-Glycine, NOW Foods, 125 mg, 100 Caps
Germanium 200 mg daily. Lowers cholesterol and improves cellular oxygenation.
Germanium Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 50 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.,
Organic Germanium (Hypoallergenic), Allergy Research Group, Nutricology, 150 mg, 50 Caps
Heart Science
From Source Naturals As directed on label. Contains antioxidants, herbs, vitamins, and other nutrients that promote cardiovascular function.
Melatonin 2-3 mg daily, taken 2 hours or less before bedtime. A powerful antioxidant that also improves sleep.
Melatonin Supplement, Time-Released, NOW Foods, 1 mg, 100 Tabs,
Sublingual Melatonin, Nature's Way, 2.5 mg, 100 Lozenges,
Melatonin, Pharmaceutical Grade, NOW Foods, 3 mg, 60 Caps
Multi-Enzyme Complex As directed on label. Take with meals. Important for proper digestion.
Plant Enzymes Multi-Enzyme Blend, NOW Foods, Vegetarian, 120 VCaps
Proteolytic Enzymes As directed on label. Take between meals. Aids in destroying free radicals. Essential for assimilation of protein, aids digestion and rebuilding of tissue.
MetabolicZyme (Hypoallergenic), Allergy Research Group / Nutricology, 900 Tabs
Grape Seed Extract 50 mg twice daily.
As directed on label. Possibly the most powerful free radical scavengers. Also enhance the action of vitamin C and strengthen connective tissue, including that of the cardiovascular system.
Pycnogenol W/ Vitamin E, 100% Natural, Nature's Way, 50 mg, 30 Tabs,
Grape Seed (Grapeseed - Vitus vinifera) Oil, 100% Pure, NOW Foods, 16 fl. oz.,
Grape Seed Extract, 350 mg, 90 Caps
L-Cysteine 500 mg daily, on an empty stomach. Take with water or juice. Do not take with milk. Take with 50 mg vitamin B-6 and 100 mg vitamin C for better absorption. Promotes the burning of fat and the building of muscle.
L-Cysteine Structural Support, W/ Vitamin B-6 & C, Vegetarian, NOW Foods, 500 mg, 100 Tabs
L-Methionine 500 mg daily, on an empty stomach. Helps to prevent fatty buildup in the arteries.
L-Methionine, 500 mg, W/ B-6, 10 mg, NOW Foods, 100 Caps
L-Carnitine 500 mg daily, on an empty stomach. Protects the heart and lowers blood triglyceride levels.
L-Carnitine, Stable Tartrate Form, NOW Foods, 500 mg, 60 Caps,
Acetyl L-Carnitine Powder, NOW Foods, Vegetarian Formula, 635 mg, 3 oz.,
L-Carnitine Liquid, Double Strength, NOW Foods, 16 fl. oz.
Vitamin B Complex
Plus Extra
Niacinamide 100 mg 3 times daily.
100 mg 3 times daily. The B vitamins work together as a complex. Niacinamide dilates small arteries. Caution: Do not substitute niacin for niacinamide.
Ultimate B (Vitamin B Complex), Nature's Secret, 60 Tabs,
Vitamin B-100 Complex, w/ Coenzyme B-2, Nature's Way, 631 mg, 100 Caps
Zinc 50 mg daily. Do not exceed a total of 100 mg daily from all supplements. Aids in cleansing and in healing process. Use chelate forms.
Zinc Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 100 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.,
Colloidal Silver & Zinc Lozenges, Silva Solution, 90 Lozenges,
Zinc Lozenges W/ Echinacea & Vitamin C, Nature's Way, 23 mg, 60 Lozenges,
Zinc Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 100 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.,
Zinc (Chelated), 100% Natural, Nature's Way, 30 mg, 100 Caps
Copper 3 mg daily. Needed to balance with zinc.
Copper Ionic Mineral Supplement, Fully Absorbable, 50 +/- ppm, 16 fl. oz.
The following herbs are helpful if you suffer from arteriosclerosis: Cayenne (capsicum), chickweed, ginkgo biloba extract, and hawthorn berries. See ginkgo biloba and hawthorn under "Beneficial Herbs" for atherosclerosis.
Garlic, onions and ginger have been found to thin blood, limit blood clots that can block arteries and lower high blood pressure. Include a good amount of these foods in your diet.
Green tea lowers cholesterol and lipid levels, thus decreasing chances of atherosclerosis. Drink green tea (1 to 4 cups daily) or take it in an extract form. A recent Japanese study recommends not only green tea but also black tea to lower your rate of lipoprotein oxidation, a chemical reaction that makes fats in the blood more likely to be deposited in the arteries. See under "Beneficial Herbs" for atherosclerosis.
CAYENNE (CAPSICUM): Cayenne Pepper is a blood warming herb that has an invigorating effect on several body systems.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Cayenne, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Cayenne Extra Hot Formula Supplement, Nature's Way, 450 mg, 100,000 HU, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: CapsiCool Cayenne Supplement, Nature's Way, 390 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Cayenne Pepper Supplement, Nature's Way, 450 mg, 180 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Cayenne Pepper Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
CHICKWEED: Chickweed nourishes the gastrointestinal areas and has soothing properties. It is a natural blood cleanser, as well as an herb that addresses fat accumulations.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Chickweed, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Chickweed Supplement, NOW Foods, 400 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Chickweed Herb Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
GINKGO BILOBA: The many antioxidants and flavonoids in ginkgo leaves improve blood flow (circulation) and oxygen delivery to the brain, heart and extremities (arms and legs). Ginkgo biloba has been called "nature's circulation wonder". See under "Beneficial Herbs" for atherosclerosis.
HerbalRemedies: Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Standardized, Nature's Way, 60 mg, 120 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Ginkgold MAX, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Vegetarian, Nature's Way, 120 mg, 60 Tabs
HAWTHORN BERRIES: See under "Beneficial Herbs" for atherosclerosis.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Hawthorn Berries, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Extract, Standardized, Nature's Way, 500 mg, 90 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Berry (Crataequs oxyacantha) Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Berry Tincture (Heart Herb), 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
CITRIN: Citrin (an extract of the Garcinia cambogia plant) is an herbal product that inhibits the synthesis of potentially dangerous fats in the body.
See Products Under "Nutrient Supplements above".
ALFALFA: In capsule form, take 500 to 1,000 mg daily. Alfalfa shrinks plaques and lowers total cholesterol. Caution: Do not use alfalfa in any form if you have an autoimmune disease, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Alfalfa, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Alfa Max, Alfalfa Extract, Nature's Way, 525 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Alfalfa Powder, Whole Food Supplement, NOW Foods, 1 lb.
HerbalRemedies: Alfalfa, NOW Foods, 650 mg (10 grain), 500 Tabs
HerbalRemedies: Alfalfa Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
ANDROGRAPHIS: In standardized extract form, take as directed on label. If you undergo surgery, use this herb to help prevent the reformation of cholesterol plaques.
HerbalRemedies: Andrographis Extract, Standardized 10% Andrographolides, Nature's Way, 60 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Andrographis Powder, Alternative Health & Herbs, 4 oz.
ARJUNA: In capsule form, take 500 mg 3 times daily. Arjuna reduces the frequency of attacks, lowers blood pressure and raises levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Arjuna, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Arjuna Bark Powder, Certified Organic, Banyan Botanicals, 1/2 lb.
HerbalRemedies: Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), 485 mg, 120 VCaps
ASTRAGALUS: In capsule form, take 500 to 1,000 mg daily. Prevents plaque formation after arterial damage caused by high blood pressure or infection. Caution: Do not use astragalus if you have a fever or a skin infection.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Astragalus, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Astragalus Root (Astragalus membranaceus) Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Astragalus Extract (Standardized 0.5% Astragalosides), Nature's Way, 60 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Astragalus Root Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
HerbalRemedies: Astragalus Root, Nature's Way, 470 mg, 180 VCaps
BILBERRY: In capsule or tablet form, take 240 to 500 mg daily. Prevents plaque formation by strengthening arterial walls.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Bilberry, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Bilberry Leaf (Vaccinium myrtillus) Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Bilberry Extract Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
HerbalRemedies: Bilberry Extract Tincture, Herbal Remedies, 2 fl. oz.
BROMELAIN: In tablet form, take 250 to 500 mg 3 times daily, between meals. Shrinks plaques. Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory enzyme that stops and dissolves both clot formation and the protein deposits on artery walls that can develop into clots. Bromelain lowers blood pressure and is used as a prevention of clotting, improving blood flow and helps reduce risks of arteriosclerosis, Bromelain is found in fresh pineapple. Caution: People who are allergic to pineapple may develop a rash from bromelain. If itching develops, stop using it.
HerbalRemedies: Bromelain Supplement, 2000 GDU, NOW Foods, 500 mg, 90 Tabs
HerbalRemedies: Quercetin W/ Bromelain, Hypoallergenic Bioflavonoid, NOW Foods, 800 mg, 120 VCaps
CHAMOMILE: German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) in tincture form, take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2-4 ml) in 1/4 cup water 3 times daily. An antioxidant that slows plaque formation.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Chamomile, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: German Chamomile Flowers Herb, Nature's Way, 350 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Chamomile Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
HerbalRemedies: Chamomile Tea, Caffeine Free, NOW Foods, 30 Tea Bags
COPTIS: Coptis Root (Huang Lian), in tincture form, take 15 to 30 drops in 1/4 cup water 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks. Stimulates the release of bile, which purges cholesterol from the body. Caution: Do not take Coptis for longer than 2 weeks at a time. Do not use if you are pregnant or have gallbladder disease. Do not take this herb with supplemental vitamin B-6 or protein supplements containing the amino acid histidine.
DAN SHEN: Dan Shen (Red Rooted Sage), in tincture form, use under professional supervision. Reverses atherosclerotic damage. Lowers blood pressure. Caution: Do not use Dan Shen if you have an estrogen-sensitive disorder, such as breast cancer, endometriosis, or fibrocystic breast disease.
GARLIC: In enteric-coated tablet form, take 900 mg daily. For fresh garlic, eat 1/2 clove or more in food daily. Garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Inhibits clot formation. Take with FISH OIL as directed on label. The fish oil reduces both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Caution: Garlic counteracts the affects of bifidus and lactobacillus cultures taken as digestive aids. Consult with a health care provider before using garlic on a regular basis is you are on an anticoagulant drug such as warfarin (Coumadin). Discuss the use of garlic with your health care provider before having any type of surgery.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Garlic, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Super Odorless Garlic, NOW foods, 5000 mg, 90 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Garlic Supplement, Kwai, 600 mg, 180 Tabs
HerbalRemedies: Garlic Bulb Cloves Supplement, Nature's Way, 580 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Garlic Oil, NOW Foods, 1500 mg, 250 Caps
GINGER: Ginger tea prepared by adding 1/2 teaspoon powdered or grated fresh ginger root to 1 cup water. Take 1 cup ginger tea 3 times daily. Ginger reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates uptake of oxygen by muscle tissue.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Ginger, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Yogi Ginger Tea, Organic Digestive Aid, 16 Tea Bags
HerbalRemedies: Ginger Root Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Ginger Root Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
GREEN TEA: Green tea prepared with a tea bag in 1 cup of water. Take 1 cup 2-5 times daily. Do not use within 1 hour of taking other medications. Green tea keeps LDL ("bad") cholesterol from being oxidized, a factor in plaque formation.
HerbalRemedies: EGCq Green Tea Extract, Vegetarian Formula, NOW Foods, 400 mg, 90 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Yogi Simply Green Tea, Organic, 16 Bags
HerbalRemedies: Green Tea Extract Tincture, Herbal Remedies, 2 fl. oz.
HAWTHORN: Hawthorn, in tablet form, take 100-250 mg 3 times daily. Hawthorn is an antioxidant. It increases the rate at which the liver converts LDL into HDL. Certain components of hawthorn, including bioflavonoids, strengthen cardiac arteries and can help prevent irregular heartbeats, in particular, hawthorn tea works well with medical treatments to treat a weak heart, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis in the legs. To prepare tea: Simmer 1 teaspoon of hawthorn berries in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes; strain. Drink 1 cup 3 times daily. Tinctures of hawthorn berries and flowers are also available.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Hawthorn Berry, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Extract, Standardized, Nature's Way, 500 mg, 90 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Berry (Crataequs oxyacantha) Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Hawthorn Berry Tincture (Heart Herb), 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
KHELLA: Kellin tablets, take 20 mg daily. It increases the ratio of HDL to LDL. Caution: Khella makes the skin especially sensitive to ultraviolet light. Avoid tanning lamps and use sunblock when outdoors, and discontinue use if exposure to strong sunlight is unavoidable. Do not use Khella if you take the blood-thinner warfarin (Coumadin).
MILK THISTLE: Silymarin gel-caps or tablets, take 120 to 300 mg daily. Milk Thistle (Silymarin) acts as an antioxidant that stops plaque formation and lowers total cholesterol. Caution: Milk thistle may cause mild diarrhea. If this occurs, decrease the dose or stop taking it.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Milk Thistle, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Milk Thistle Seed Powder (Silybum marianum), 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Thisilyn, Milk Thistle Extract, Nature's Way, 175 mg, 100 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Milk Thistle Seed Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
POLYSACCHARIDE KUREHA (PSK): PSK (Coriolus versicolor) taken in tablet form, 6,000 mg daily until cholesterol levels normalize. Take with 200 mcg Selenium daily. PSK protects immune cells in artery walls from free-radical damage. The selenium enhances the effect of PSK.
HerbalRemedies: Coriolus Mushroom PSP Extract, 400 mg, 90 VCaps
Coriolus Versicolor PSK "Super Strength", Mushroom Science, 90 Caps
QUERCETIN: In tablet form, take 125 to 250 mg 3 times daily, between meals. Antioxidant that prevents plaque formation. Caution: Do not use quercetin if you are taking cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimunne) or nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia).
HerbalRemedies: Quercetin, NOW Foods, 500 mg, 100 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Quercetin W/ Bromelain, Hypoallergenic, Bioflavonoid, NOW Foods, 800 mg, 120 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Organic Rooibos Red Tea, Kosher, 20 Tea Bags, 1.6 oz.
RED YEAST RICE: Cholestin or Hong Qu, take as directed on label. Naturally occurring chemicals that act in the same way as the prescription drug lovastatin (Mevacor), lowering LDL after 4-6 weeks use.
HerbalRemedies: Red Yeast Rice, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, 90 Tabs
HerbalRemedies: Red Yeast Rice Extract, Vegetarian, NOW Foods, 600 mg, 120 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Red Yeast Rice Powder, NOW Foods, 4 oz.
HerbalRemedies: Red Yeast Rice, Nature's Way, 600 mg, 120 VCaps
SCUTELLARIA: Scutellaria (Blue Scullcap), in capsule form, take 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily. Stimulates the release of bile. Caution: Do not use scutellaria if you have diarrhea.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Blue Scullcap (scutellaria lateriflora), Standardized, Nature's Way, 100 mg, 60 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Scullcap Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
HerbalRemedies: Scullcap, Nature's Way, 425 mg, 100 Caps
SNOW FUNGUS: In tablet form, take 6 to 12 daily for at least 4 weeks. Lowers total cholesterol. This was hard to locate online. I did find this resource:
Kalyx: Tremella Fungus (Tremella fucinformis) Extract Powder, 3.5 oz.
Kalyx: Tremella Fungus (Tremella fucinformis) Powder, 18 oz.
SOY ISOFLAVONE CONCENTRATE: In tablet form, take about 3,000 mg once daily. Prevents plaque formation and lowers LDL.
HerbalRemedies: Soy Isoflavone, Standardized Extract, 100 mg, 60 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Soy Isoflavones with Digestive Enzymes, NON-GMO, SoyLife, 500 mg, 100 Caps
HerbalRemedies: Soy Protein Isolate Powder, 1 lb.
TURMERIC: In Curcumin tablet form, take 250 to 500 mg twice daily, between meals. Helps prevent atherosclerosis in people with diabetes. A potent antioxidant.
Mountain Rose Herbs: Turmeric, Bulk Herb
HerbalRemedies: Turmeric Extract (Curcuma Longa), Standardized to 95% Curcuminoids, 500 mg, 120 Tabs
HerbalRemedies: Curcumin, NOW Foods, 665 mg, 60 VCaps
HerbalRemedies: Turmeric C/S Powder, 4 oz. Bulk
HerbalRemedies: Turmeric Root Powder, Certified Organic, Banyan Botanicals, 1/2 lb.
HerbalRemedies: Turmeric Tincture, 100% Organic, 2 fl. oz.
DONG QUAI & PEONY POWDER TCM FORMULA: European studies of this traditional Chinese herbal formula indicate that it can stop excessive free-radical production in the cardiovascular system, stopping the process of atherosclerosis. Consult with a TCM practitioner about obtaining this formula.
These remedies can support treatments for arteriosclerosis. Take 5 pellets every hour until symptoms subside.
Baryta carbonica - 6C, 30C: For cardiac weakness, dizziness and weak memory; for those who are chronically cold and prone to colds and mucus congestion.
Hypericum - 3X: For depression caused by ateriosclerosis in the brain.
Viscum - 1X: For breathing difficulty and a sensation of tightness in the chest.
Information and supplements for help with arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, two conditions that are caused by the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries.
You have symptoms of arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis or observe them in a family member.
Life-threatening symptoms occur, including rapid, irregular heartbeat; chest pain; or loss of consciousness. Call for assistance immediately... THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!
If any unexpected or unusual symptoms appear. Therapies, supplements, medications or other treatments may produce side effects in some individuals.


