Boone County Hospital Diabetes Support Group

Boone County Hospital Diabetes Support Group
4th Floor Board Room/Conference Room
1015 Union Street
Boone, IA 50036
(515) 433-8624

The Diabetes Support Group meets the third Thursday of every month, 4 to 5 p.m., Boone County Hospital (BCH), 4th Floor Board Room/Conference Room. A different healthcare professional will speak each month on varying topics. Topics may include: diabetes jeopardy, exercise and your heart, eating healthy during the holidays, eye care, foot care, dental care, getting motivated and medication education. No pre-registration is required. Please note, the Diabetes Support Group DOES NOT MEET June through August or in December.

For more information, contact Connie Buss, RD, LD, CDE, at (515) 433-8624
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