Complications of Diabetes - Other Proposed Natural Treatments
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Complications of Diabetes
Other Proposed Natural Treatments
Related Terms
• Autonomic Neuropathy, Diabetic; Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy, Diabetic; Cataracts; Cataracts, Diabetic; Diabetes, Complications; Diabetic Neuropathy; Diabetic Retinopathy; Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic; Retinopathy, Diabetic
Principal Proposed Natural Treatments
• PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY: Acetyl-L-Carnitine; Evening Primrose Oil (Gamma-linolenic Acid); Lipoic Acid; Vitamin B
Other Proposed Natural Treatments
• CATARACTS: Bilberry
• FOOT ULCERS Tinospora cordifolia
• IMMUNITY AND INFECTIONS Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplements
• PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY: Fish Oil; Magnet Therapy; Selenium; Vitamin E
• RETINOPATHY: Bilberry; Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs)
Other Proposed Natural Treatments
Other Proposed Natural Treatments
A 4-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that vitamin E at a dose of 600 mg daily might improve symptoms of cardiac autonomic neuropathy.18 Vitamin E as well as selenium have also shown promise for diabetic peripheral neuropathy.10,20 Intriguing evidence from a small study suggests that vitamin E may also help protect people with diabetes from developing damage to their eyes and kidneys.19 However, a large, long-term study failed to find vitamin E effective for preventing kidney damage.21 (Vitamin E also did not help prevent coronary artery disease.)
In a review of 13 randomized trials, researchers found inadequate evidence for the effectiveness of B vitamins for peripheral neuropathies (diabetic or otherwise).41
The supplement inositol has been tried as a treatment for diabetic neuropathy, but the results have been mixed.22,23
In highly preliminary studies, fish oil has shown some promise for diabetic neuropathy,24 but human trials have not been performed.
Diabetes can cause swelling of the ankles and feet by damaging small blood vessels (microangiopathy). A preliminary, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial suggests that oxerutins might be helpful for this condition.25
Weak evidence suggests that the herb bilberry may help prevent eye damage ( cataracts and retinopathy) caused by diabetes.26,27 Pycnogenol, a source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), has also shown promise for diabetic retinopathy.28
It has been suggested that vitamin C may also help prevent cataracts in diabetes, based on its relationship to sorbitol. Sorbitol, a sugar-like substance that tends to accumulate in the cells of people with diabetes, may play a role in the development of diabetic cataracts. Vitamin C appears to help reduce sorbitol buildup.29 However, the evidence that vitamin C provides significant benefits by this route is at present indirect and far from conclusive.
Another study suggests that vitamin C might be helpful for reducing blood pressure in people with diabetes.30
The herb Tinospora cordifolia has shown some promise for speeding healing of diabetic foot ulcers.39
Magnetic insoles, a form of magnet therapy, have shown some promise for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. A 4-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study of 19 people with peripheral neuropathy found a significant reduction in symptoms in people using the insoles as compared to those using placebo insoles.33 This study enrolled people with peripheral neuropathy of various causes; however, reduction in the symptoms of burning, numbness, and tingling were especially marked in those cases of neuropathy associated with diabetes. Another type of magnetic therapy, involving low frequency magnetic pulses generated by an electric current, was no better than a placebo at relieving painful peripheral neuropathy among 61 people who had diabetes for a long time.40
One small double-blind, placebo-controlled study suggests that regular use of multivitamin/multimineral supplements may reduce incidence of infectious illness in people with diabetes.36 Another study failed to find that general nutritional supplementation accelerated healing of diabetic foot ulcers.37
References [ + ]
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Last reviewed November 2008 by EBSCO CAM Review Board
Last Updated: 11/21/2008
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