DPCP Listserv

DPCP Listserv

Diabetes Prevention & Control
The DPCP Listserv has a membership of more than 280 and is growing. This service along with the website was created to enable the diabetes community and stakeholders to have access to and exchange of the most current and accurate information on diabetes care, management, control and prevention. Information related to state and national policies that affect people living with diabetes is also shared on the listserv. Listserv membership consist of providers, those affected with diabetes, community advocates, and public and private agencies and organizations whose mission, in whole or in part is to serve those affected by diabetes or those at risk for the development of diabetes. Anyone can become a member of the listserv.

Posted to the listserv are the most current information from the diabetes communities nationwide usually received from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Nation Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney (NIDDK), American Diabetes Association (ADA), American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE), as well as local diabetes information. As a member, you have the right to post any newsworthy information related to diabetes, job openings, meetings, community activities, and questions about diabetes that you may have.

To become a listserv member, you can sign up by forwarding your email address to moodyrm@dhec.sc.gov.

To unsubscribe to the list, simply send an email to moodyrm@dhec.sc.gov stating that you would like to be removed from the listserv.

For additional information contact:
Michelle Moody, BA, MPH, CHES
Statewide Coalition Coordinator
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