Diabetes De-Stress
Diabetes De-Stress
by Diabetes.co.uk - The Global Diabetes Community

Daily life is stressful, whether you are suffering from diabetes or not. De-stressing should be a priority for every one of us.

Studies have consistently linked diabetes with stress, panic attacks, depression and anxiety. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this if you are feeling any of the above as a diabetic, millions of people throughout the world face depression and diabetes on a daily basis.

Diabetes De-stress aims to help diabetic people through their stress or depression with a range of advice, solutions and ideas, as well as giving family and friends the chance to cheer their special person up.

Stress Management

Whether you are diabetic or not, no one is exempt from stress. Up to 90 per cent of people experience high levels of stress on a fairly regular basis. De-stressing can be difficult, and diabetes can complicate matters further. Dealing with stress levels productively and effectively can help to make a person healthy and happy.

Talk to someone

Talking about your problems is the first key to solving them. Communication lies at the heart of every problem. The diabetes.co.uk community is an online space where you can talk to other diabetics about whatever you would like, using the chatroom, private messaging or the forum.

Diabetic De-Stress Natural Supplements and herbal remedies

Although you should always be aware of the influence natural supplements can have on your body, and also on your diabetic medication regime, before taking them, some substances can be effective in helping to alleviate the symptoms or complications of diabetes and stress. The good thing about natural supplements is that you can often tailor your treatment through choosing a specific herb or extract. Diabetics should beware of ‘miracle cures,’ these are often false marketing, despite the ingredients having a role to play in diabetes treatment.

Please add your own feedback about each herbal supplement to help other diabetic choose their supplements carefully.

Diabetic De-Stress Top Tip – Some people find St. Johns Wort an effective treatment for mild depression.

Pamper Yourself

Pampering yourself can take many forms but at its most basic it should be about making yourself feel special. Each individual is special, no matter how down he or she feels or how much of a hard time they are having. Diabetes and its complications can make you feel down, so why not pamper yourself?

Give a gift to someone you care about

Having diabetes can get you down. We want you to know that you are not alone, and if you need to talk just go into our community or chatroom. If you are family or a friend of a diabetic, maybe you would like to cheer them up with a gift:

Send flowers to someone you love

Flowers can brighten up anyone’s day. Whether you would like to send flowers to your boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, friend or colleague, this online service promises better value for money and faster delivery.

Get Fit

Numerous studies have directly proved that exercise makes you happy. This is a fact that every diabetic should play close attention to, because body weight and fitness directly affect the development and management of diabetes. All diabetic are encouraged to exercise to a suitable degree. Your doctor of healthcare professional should be able to advise you on the right amount of exercise.

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