Diabetic Coma or Keto-acidosis symptoms and natural cure

Diabetic Coma or Keto-acidosis symptoms and natural cure
Health and Wellness Treatment, Causes

When the blood sugar level falls, the cells are starved for energy and as emergency means the body breaks down the fat. As the body fat is converted into energy a toxic called ketones is produced. These ketones disturb the acid-base balance of the body resulting in severe acidosis. The body then uses sodium, potassium and calcium to neutralize acidosis. This affects the heart, Central Nervous System and the brain. It usually occurs in type-1 insulin dependent diabetes. The risk of Keto-acidosis is fifty percent higher among women.

Symptoms of Keto-acidosis or Diabetic Coma

* Weakness
* Drowsiness
* Loss of appetite and weight
* Fever
* Deep and rapid breathing with fruity smelling breath.
* Nausea and vomiting
* Stomach pain
* Fatigue and exhaustion
* Confusion

Natural cure for Keto-acidosis or Diabetic Coma

* The patient having acidosis should eat alkaline foods to fasten recovery and neutralize acids.
* Citrus fruits and fruit juices have alkalizing value due to the percentage of alkaline salts especially potash present in them.
* Gradually, maintain proper ratio between acidic and alkaline foods in the diet.
* All flesh foods and all kinds of cereals are acid forming foods, which reduces alkalinity of the blood.
* Most fruits, all green and root vegetables and legumes are high alkaline foods and reduce the acid reserves of blood tissues.
* Thereby our daily diet should include lots of alkaline forming foods and little acid forming foods.
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