Kids Connection
Kids Connection is health care coverage for qualified children developed by the State of Nebraska. It includes both the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Nebraska Medical Assistance Program (also known as Medicaid). Its purpose is to provide health care to low-income and low-income uninsured children all across the state.

What are the benefits of the program?

* Improve the access and continuity of care for children age 18 years and younger.
* Establish a consistent medical home that focuses on preventive care.
* Improve provider willingness to accept Medicaid clients by reducing administrative burden and decreasing the amount of unreimbursed care.
* Reduces state administrative burden to establish eligibility.
* Improves Medicaid’s goal of easier and faster enrollment/eligibility process.

How physicians can become providers:
Kids Connection is an extension of Medicaid (Title XIX), making Medicaid providers automatically eligible to provide health care services to CHIP (Title XXI) eligible children. In Lancaster, Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Kids Connection is part of Nebraska Health Connection – the Medicaid Managed Program.

For more information, contact:
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services Finance & Support
P.O. Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
Phone: 1-877-632-5437 or 402-471-8845
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