Metabolic Center of Louisiana
Metabolic Center of Louisiana
7566 Picardy Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808


225-763-9335 fax

Kate Blumberg, LDN, RD is a registered dietitian who provides nutrition education and counseling at the Metabolic Center of Louisiana. Kate specializes in nutrition therapy for weight management, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), insulin resistant syndrome (IRS), and diabetes. She received her degree in dietetics from Louisiana State University and completed her internship at North Oaks Medical Center. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association, Louisiana Dietetic Association, and American Association of Diabetes Educators.

If you are looking for professional help with:

· weight loss,

· preventing or managing diabetes,

· insulin resistance,

· managing PCOS,

· lowering your cholesterol,

· obtaining balanced nutrition, or

· overall better health

Then you have found the right place!

If you have diabetes, high cholesterol, or PCOS, weight loss can sometimes be difficult. Let us help you! Nutrition services are provided from our nutrition expert Kate Blumberg, LDN, RD, a registered, licensed dietitian.

We provide individual counseling, family counseling, and group classes.

Services Offered:

Individual Counseling:

Initial session:

· 60 minutes

· Includes nutrition assessment and goal-setting session, personalized nutrition plan, sample menus, and recommendations

Follow-up Sessions:

· 30 minute visits

· Includes evaluating current plan, reading labels, eating out, and planning meals.

Family Session:

· 60 minutes initial session

· 2 or more family members


Putting the Pieces Together

Diabetes Self Management Education Classes


Classes Starting March 2008

· 4-week program-1 class/week

· $40 for entire program

· Monday morning or afternoon classes available

Puzzle Piece 1: Monitoring

Puzzle Piece 2: Medication

Puzzle Piece 3: Movement

Puzzle Piece 4: Meals


Choose It to Lose It

Weight Loss Class/

Support Group

10-week program


includes 10 group class

Plus 1 individual nutrition assessment & orientation

Tuesdays 9 am-10 am

Tuesdays 4:30 pm-5:30 pm

Wednesday 5:30 pm-6:30 pm

Class include:

· Weekly weigh-ins

· Detailed Food Plan

· Behavior Strategies

· Social Support

· Healthy Recipes

· Prizes & Rewards

Class topics include:

· meal planning

· food labels

· portion sizes

· eating styles

· behavior changes

· dining out
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