NeedyMeds, Inc
NeedyMeds is a 501(3)(c) non-profit with the mission of helping people who cannot afford medicine or healthcare costs. The information at NeedyMeds is available anonymously and free of charge.

For more information about NeedyMeds read the following:

* NeedyMeds' History
* Staff Profiles
* The NeedyMeds' Board of Directors
* Contact NeedyMeds
* Privacy Statement

The NeedyMeds Brochure is available to organizations which assist people who need help paying for their medicine. Click on this link to learn more.

The NeedyMeds Update List is a monthly email that will keep participants up-to-date about what is new at NeedyMeds.

If your organization is interested in hearing a speaker from NeedyMeds, check out the NeedyMeds Speaker's Bureau.

NeedyMeds welcomes Donations to help with the on-going work of providing information and education to assist those who cannot afford medical costs.

NeedyMeds, Inc
P.O. Box 219
Gloucester, MA 01931
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