Statistics about Diabetes
Statistics about Diabetes
Cause statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about the causes of Diabetes:
Statistics on the underlying causes of deaths due to diabetes and diabetes-related disorders:
Diabetes was listed as the only cause of death in 1.7% of cases in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
50% of deaths from diabetes also had heart disease as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
22% of deaths from diabetes also had stroke as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
15% of deaths from diabetes also had renal failure as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
TopComplication statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about the complications of Diabetes:
138,483 under treatment for ESRD resulting from diabetes in the USA 2001 (United States Renal Data System 2003 Annual Data Report, 2003)
Women with diabetes have an 8 times greater risk of developing coronary heart disease (World Heart Federation Fact-Sheet, 2002
13 women per 100,000 people are hospitalised for end-stage renal disease associated with diabetes in Australia 1998-99 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
152 women per 100,000 people are hospitalised for coronary heart disease associated with diabetes in Australia 1998-99 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
17 men per 100,000 people are hospitalised for end-stage renal disease associated with diabetes in Australia 1998-99 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
268 men per 100,000 people are hospitalised for coronary heart disease associated with diabetes in Australia 1998-99 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
6 people per 1,000 population over 18 who have diabetes develop diabetic eye disease in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
6 people per 1,000 population over 18 who have diabetes develop diabetic foot problems in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
6 people per 1,000 population over 18 who have diabetes develop myocardial infarction in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
26% of new cases of end-stage renal disease were due to diabetic nephropathy in Australia 2002 (McDonald & Russ, 2003, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
268 new cases of end-stage renal disease per 1,000 population have diabetic nephropathy as a causal factor in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
0.7% of diabetics had a lower limb amputation in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
0.8% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services suffered new blindness in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
13.5% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services had peripheral vascular disease in Australia 2002 (NADC, 2003, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
2.1% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services had a stroke in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
2.2% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services had a current foot ulcer in Australia 2002 (NADC, 2003, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
26% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services had peripheral neuropathy in Australia 2002 (NADC, 2003, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
3.3% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services had a heart attack in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
3.9% of diabetic men attending specialist diabetes services had an erectile dysfunction in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
4.2% of adults attending specialist diabetes services had a severe hypoglycaemic episode in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Nearly 0.1% of diabetic adults attending specialist diabetes services suffered end-stage renal disease in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Statistics on the underlying causes of deaths due to diabetes and diabetes-related complications:
65% of deaths among diabetics is due to heart disease or stroke in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
50% of deaths from diabetes also had heart disease as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
22% of deaths from diabetes also had stroke as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
15% of deaths from diabetes also had renal failure as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Risk for stroke amongst diabetics is two to four times higher than those without diabetes in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
12,000-24,000 new cases of blindness annually are due to diabetic retinopathy in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
44% of new cases of end-stage renal disease is due to diabetes in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
42,813 diabetics began treatment for end-stage renal disease in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
142,963 diabetics with end-stage renal disease were living on chronic dialysis or with a kidney transplant in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
60-70% of diabetics have some nervous system damage in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
60% of nontraumatic lower-limb amputations occurs among diabetics in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
82,000 nontraumatic lower-limb amputations was performed annually on diabetics in the US 2000-2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Almost 1/3 of diabetics have severe periodontal disease in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Poorly controlled diabetes before conception and during first trimester of pregnancy can cause major birth defects in 5-10% of pregnancies in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Poorly controlled diabetes before conception and during first trimester of pregnancy can cause spontaneous abortions in 15-20% of pregnancies in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Poorly controlled diabetes during 2nd and third trimester of pregnancy can cause overly large babies in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Diabetics are more susceptible to many illnesses and often have a worse prognosis after acquiring the illness in the US 2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Blood pressure control can reduce cardiovascular disease by 33-50% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Blood pressure control can reduce microvascular disease by about 33% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Generally, for every 10mm of mercury reduction in systolic blood pressure, the risk for diabetes complications is reduced by 12% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Improving cholesterol or blood lipids can reduce cardiovascular complications by 20-50% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Detection and treatment of diabetic eye disease with laser therapy can reduce the development of acute vision loss by 50-60% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Comprehensive foot care programs may reduce amputation rates by 45-85% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Early detection and treatment of diabetic kidney disease by lowering blood pressure can reduce decline in kidney function by 30-70% in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Diabetes causes 8,000 new cases of blindness in the US (Research to Prevent Blindness, NISE, NSF)
TopAssociated medical condition statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about associated diseases and Diabetes:
73% of diabetics have high blood pressure in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
TopType statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about the types of Diabetes:
Type 2 Diabetes accounts for 85-90% of all diabetes cases in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Type 1 Diabetes accounts for 10-15% of all diabetes cases in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Type 1 diabetes accounted for 28% of new cases of diabetes in Australia 1999-2002 (The National Diabetes Register, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Type 2 diabetes accounted for 60% of new cases of diabetes in Australia 1999-2002 (The National Diabetes Register, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
gestational diabetes accounted for 9% of new cases of diabetes in Australia 1999-2002 (The National Diabetes Register, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
TopTreatment statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about the treatment of Diabetes:
12% of diabetics take insulin and oral medications in the US 1999-2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
19% of diabetics take only insulin in the US 1999-2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
53% of diabetics take only oral medications in the US 1999-2001 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
15% of diabetics donÌt take insulin or oral medications in the US 1999-2001(National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
TopPrevalence and incidence statistics for Diabetes:see also prevalence and incidence page for Diabetes
Prevalance of Diabetes: 16 million Americans with 10.3 million diagnosed and 8.1 million women (NWHIC); 65 per 1000 - NHIS95; 8 million - perhaps 16 million if include not-yet-diagnosed.
Prevalance Rate: approx 1 in 17 or 5.88% or 16 million people in USA [about data]
Incidence (annual) of Diabetes: approximately 798,000 new cases diagnosed annually in USA (CDC-OC)
Incidence Rate: approx 1 in 340 or 0.29% or 798,000 people in USA [about data]
Incidence extrapolations for USA for Diabetes: 797,999 per year, 66,499 per month, 15,346 per week, 2,186 per day, 91 per hour, 1 per minute, 0 per second.
Undiagnosed prevalence of Diabetes: 5.7 million Americans (based on NWHIC)
Undiagnosed prevalence rate: approx 1 in 47 or 2.10% or 5.7 million people in USA [about data]
Worldwide prevalence of Diabetes: 135 million cases worldwide 1995
Prevalance of Diabetes: According to recent estimates, the prevalence of diabetes in the United States is predicted to be 8.9 percent of the population by 2025. (Source: excerpt from Diabetes Overview: NIDDK) ... About 16 million Americans have diabetes, but only about 10 million have been diagnosed. (Source: excerpt from Facts About Diabetes: CDC-OC)
Incidence of Diabetes: Approximately 798,000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed annually in the United States. (Source: excerpt from Facts About Diabetes: CDC-OC) ... New cases diagnosed per year: 798,000. (Source: excerpt from Diabetes Statistics in the United States: NIDDK)
TopPrevelance statistics about Diabetes:The following statistics relate to the prevalence of Diabetes:
18.2 million people have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Estimated 6.3% of population have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Estimated 13 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Estimated 5.2 million people have undiagnosed diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Diabetes prevalence for age groups in the USA:
8.7% of all people over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
18.3% of all people over 60 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
18 million people over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.6 million people over 60 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.7 million men over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
9.3 million women over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.7% of all men over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.7% of all women over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
US diabetes prevalence by race statistics:
12.5 million non-Hispanic whites over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.4% of all non-Hispanic whites over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
2.7 million non-Hispanic blacks over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
11.4% of all non-Hispanic blacks over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
2.0 million Hispanic/Latino Americans over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
8.2% of all Hispanic/Latino Americans over 20 have diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Hispanic/Latino Americans are 1.5 times more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Non-Hispanic blacks are 1.6 times more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
American Indians and Alaska Natives are 2.3 times more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
2.8 million African American cases in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
African Americans twice as likely as whites in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
13% of all African Americans in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
27% higher rate in African Americans than whites in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
Diabetes prevalence statistics for Canada:
3% of women in Canada 1996/97 (Statistics Canada, National Population Health Survey, Health Canada, 1996/97)
4% of men in Canada 1996/97 (Statistics Canada, National Population Health Survey, Health Canada, 1996/97)
10% of population over 65 in Canada (Health Canada)
Diabetes prevalence statistics for Australia:
Diabetes affects more than 4% of Australians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Diabetes affects up to 30% of aboriginals in certain communities in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Diabetes affects at least 10% of the elderly in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Estimated 1 million cases in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Number of cases of diabetes expected to increase in developing countries by 170% from 1995 to 2025 (King H, et al. Global Burden of Diabetes - Diabetes Care, 1998)
Number of cases of diabetes expected to increase in developed countries by 42% from 1995 to 2025 (King H, et al. Global Burden of Diabetes - Diabetes Care, 1998)
Estimated 1.35 million diagnosed cases of diabetes in the UK 2003 (Coronary Heart Disease Statistics, British Heart Foundation, 2003)
4% of population worldwide 1995 (King H, et al. Global Burden of Diabetes - Diabetes Care, 1998)
Estimated 16 million diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
10.3 million diagnosed cases of diabetes in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
8.1 million diagnosed cases in women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
About 80% of diagnosed cases of diabetes occur in women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Diabetes prevalence statistics for Australia:
Estimated 1 million people had diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Half of the estimated 1 million people with diabetes were unaware of that they had it in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
3.0% of population self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
2.9% of female population self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
3.0% of male population self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
554,000 people self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
272,000 men self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
283,000 women self-reported having diabetes in Australia 2001 (ABS 2001 National Health Survey, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Estimated 7.6% of population had diabetes (including undiagnosed diabetes) in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
8.7% of male population have diabetes (including undiagnosed diabetes) in Australia 1999-2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
6.7% of female population have diabetes (including undiagnosed diabetes) in Australia 1999-2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
14 Indigenous women per 100,000 population have diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
8 Indigenous men per 100,000 population have diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Prevalence of diabetes has nearly doubled in the past two decades in Australia (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Self-reported cases of diabetes is nearly 4 times higher for Indigenous Australians than other Australians 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
13.0 million noninstitutionalised adults had diagnosed diabetes in the US 2001 (Summary Health Statistics for US Adults, 2001, NCHS, CDC)
6.4% of noninstitutionalised adults had diagnosed diabetes in the US 2001 (Summary Health Statistics for US Adults, 2001, NCHS, CDC)
106,400 home health care patients had diabetes as a primary diagnosis in the US 2000 (National Home and Hospice Care Survey, NCHS, CDC)
7.9% of home health care patients had diabetes as a primary diagnosis in the US 2000 (National Home and Hospice Care Survey, NCHS, CDC)
279,300 nursing home residents had diabetes as a primary diagnosis in the US 2000 (National Home and Hospice Care Survey, NCHS, CDC)
17.2% of nursing home residents had diabetes as a primary diagnosis in the US 2000 (National Home and Hospice Care Survey, NCHS, CDC)
TopUndiagnosed prevalence statistics about Diabetes:The following statistics relate to undiagnosed cases of Diabetes:
Estimated 5.2 million people have undiagnosed diabetes in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
730,000 African Americans are unaware they have diabetes in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
Half of the estimated 1 million people with diabetes were unaware of that they had diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
TopIncidence statistics about Diabetes:The following statistics relate to the incidence of Diabetes:
32,600 new cases of diabetes in Australia 1999-2002 (The National Diabetes Register, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
1.3 million people over 20 developed diabetes annually in the US 2002 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
TopDeath and mortality statistics for Diabetes:
Deaths from Diabetes: 71,372 deaths in USA 2001 (CDC); 68,399 annual deaths or 2.9% of deaths (CDC/1999)
Cause of death rank: 6th leading cause of death in 1999 and 2000 (CDC).
Death rate extrapolations for USA for Diabetes: 71,372 per year, 5,947 per month, 1,372 per week, 195 per day, 8 per hour, 0 per minute, 0 per second.
TopDeath statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about deaths and Diabetes:
31,602 male deaths in the USA 2000 (American Heart Association, 2002)
Diabetes was the underlying cause of 69,301 deaths in the US 2000 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Diabetes contributed to 213,062 deaths in the US 2000 (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
Risk of death for diabetics is twice that of those without diabetes in the US (National Diabetes Statistics fact sheet, NIDDK, 2003)
71,372 people died from diabetes each year in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final Data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)
25.1 people per 100,000 population died from diabetes each year in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final Data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)
Diabetes is ranked the sixth leading cause of death in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final Data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)
Death statistics by age for diabetes:
diabetes caused 2.9% of deaths for any age in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 0.6% of deaths for age 20-24 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 1.4% of deaths for age 25-34 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 2.2% of deaths for age 35-44 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 3.1% of deaths for age 45-54 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 3.8% of deaths for age 55-64 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 2.9% of deaths for age 65 and over years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 3.7% of deaths for age 65-74 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 3.1% of deaths for age 75-84 years in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
diabetes caused 2.0% of deaths for age 85 and over in USA 1999 [NVSR 2001]
Diabetes caused 2,751 deaths in Australia in 1988 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002)
Caused 1,424 male deaths in Australia in 1988 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002)
Caused 1,327 female deaths in Australia in 1988 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002)
2.2% of all deaths in Australia in 1988 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002)
9.5 per 100,000 people in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
0.7 per 100,000 Asian/Pacific Islander people died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
23.0 per 100,000 white people died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
23.1 per 100,000 women died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
28.1 per 100,000 men died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
36.7 per 100,000 Hispanic/Latino people died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
40.4 per 100,000 American Indian or Alaska Native people died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
49.2 per 100,000 black people died from diabetes in USA 2001 (NCHS, 2003)
Fifth leading cause of death in women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Fourth leading cause of death in African American women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Fourth leading cause of death in Native American women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Fourth leading cause of death in Hispanic women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Sixth leading cause of death in Asian American women in the US(The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
Seventh leading cause of death in white women in the US (The National WomenÌs Health Information Center, CDC)
5,000 deaths from diabetes each year in Canada (Health Canada)
Diabetes contributes to 25,000 deaths each year in Canada (Health Canada)
Diabetes death statistics in Australia:
Diabetes accounted for 2.5% of all deaths in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
2.4% of all female deaths was due to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AIHW National Morbidity Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
2.6% of all male deaths was due to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AIHW National Morbidity Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Diabetes was listed as the only cause of death in 1.7% of cases in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
50% of deaths from diabetes also had heart disease as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
22% of deaths from diabetes also had stroke as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
15% of deaths from diabetes also had renal failure as an associated cause of death in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Diabetes was the associated cause of death in 24% of coronary heart disease deaths in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Diabetes was the associated cause of death in 8% of stroke deaths in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Diabetes was the underlying cause of 3,329 deaths in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Diabetes was the associated cause of 11,467 deaths in Australia, 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
1,558 women died from diabetes in Australia 2002 (AIHW National Morbidity Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
1,771 men died from diabetes in Australia 2002 (AIHW National Morbidity Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
13 women per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
10 women per 100,000 people die of coronary heart disease or stroke related to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
21 men per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
136 indigenous men per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2001-2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
159 indigenous women per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2001-2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
19 non-English speaking women per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
24 non-English speaking men per 100,000 people died from diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
17 non-English speaking women per 100,000 people die of coronary heart disease related to diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
18 men per 100,000 people die of coronary heart disease related to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
21 non-English speaking men per 100,000 people die of coronary heart disease related to diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
5 non-English speaking women per 100,000 people die of stroke related to diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
4 women per 100,000 people die of stroke related to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
5 men per 100,000 people die of stroke related to diabetes in Australia 2002 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
8 non-English speaking men per 100,000 people die of stroke related to diabetes in Australia 2001 (AustraliaÌs Health 2004, AIHW)
Death statistics for various countries worldwide:
Diabetes mellitus caused 11 male deaths per 100,000 population in Australia 2002 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 13 male deaths per 100,000 population in Canada 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 male deaths per 100,000 population in Czech Republic 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 13 male deaths per 100,000 population in Denmark 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 male deaths per 100,000 population in Finland 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 male deaths per 100,000 population in France 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 11 male deaths per 100,000 population in Germany 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 4 male deaths per 100,000 population in Greece 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 12 male deaths per 100,000 population in Hungary 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 10 male deaths per 100,000 population in Ireland 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 12 male deaths per 100,000 population in Italy 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 male deaths per 100,000 population in Japan 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 27 male deaths per 100,000 population in Korea 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 10 male deaths per 100,000 population in Netherlands 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 15 male deaths per 100,000 population in New Zealand 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 male deaths per 100,000 population in Norway 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 male deaths per 100,000 population in Poland 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 14 male deaths per 100,000 population in Portugal 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 10 male deaths per 100,000 population in Slovakia 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 male deaths per 100,000 population in Spain 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 male deaths per 100,000 population in Sweden 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 10 male deaths per 100,000 population in Switzerland 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 male deaths per 100,000 population in the UK 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 16 male deaths per 100,000 population in the US 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 7 female deaths per 100,000 population in Australia 2002 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 female deaths per 100,000 population in Canada 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 female deaths per 100,000 population in Czech Republic 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 female deaths per 100,000 population in Denmark 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 5 female deaths per 100,000 population in Finland 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 female deaths per 100,000 population in France 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 female deaths per 100,000 population in Germany 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 3 female deaths per 100,000 population in Greece 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 11 female deaths per 100,000 population in Hungary 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 5 female deaths per 100,000 population in Ireland 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 11 female deaths per 100,000 population in Italy 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 3 female deaths per 100,000 population in Japan 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 15 female deaths per 100,000 population in Korea 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 female deaths per 100,000 population in Netherlands 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 10 female deaths per 100,000 population in New Zealand 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 5 female deaths per 100,000 population in Norway 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 female deaths per 100,000 population in Poland 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 13 female deaths per 100,000 population in Portugal 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 female deaths per 100,000 population in Slovakia 2000 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 9 female deaths per 100,000 population in Spain 1998 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 6 female deaths per 100,000 population in Sweden 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 8 female deaths per 100,000 population in Switzerland 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 4 female deaths per 100,000 population in the UK 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Diabetes mellitus caused 13 female deaths per 100,000 population in the US 1999 (WHO 2004; AIHW National Mortality Database, AustraliaÌs Health 2004)
Average life years lost for Diabetes: 13.8 years (SEER)1; 15.4 in North Carolina2; 2.1 average YPLL/person for diabetes (underlying cause of death) in Michigan3.
TopSociety statistics for Diabetes Costs for Diabetes: DCCT researchers estimate that intensive management doubles the cost of managing diabetes because of increased visits to a health care professional and the need for more frequent blood testing at home. However, this cost is offset by the reduction in medical expenses related to long-term complications and by the improved quality of life of people with diabetes. (Source: excerpt from Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT): NIDDK)
TopCost statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about costs and Diabetes:
$132 billion in direct and indirect costs in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
$9 billion dollars annually in Canada (Health Canada)
8,304 prescriptions for diabetes in Canada 1998 (Intercontinental Medical Statistics Canada,1998)
Estimated lifetime cost for Type 1 diabetes is about $190,000 in Australia 1993-94 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Estimated lifetime cost for Type 2 diabetes is about $25,000 in Australia 1993-94 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
$681 million spent on the disease and its complications in Australia 1993-94 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2003)
Total cost of diabetes was $132 billion in the US 2002 (American Diabetes Association, NIDDK, 2003)
Direct medical cost of diabetes was $92 billion in the US 2002 (American Diabetes Association, NIDDK, 2003)
Indirect cost of diabetes was $42 billion in the US 2002 (American Diabetes Association, NIDDK, 2003)
TopHospitalization statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about hospitalizations and Diabetes:
562,000 hospital discharges occurred for diabetes in the US 2001 (2001 National Hospital Discharge Survey, NCHS, CDC)
0.53% (68,232) of hospital episodes were for diabetes mellitus in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
78% of hospital consultations for diabetes mellitus required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
54% of hospital episodes for diabetes mellitus were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
46% of hospital episodes for diabetes mellitus were for women in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
59% of hospital admissions for diabetes mellitus required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
10.4 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for diabetes mellitus in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
4 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for diabetes mellitus in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
51 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for diabetes mellitus in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
46% of hospitalisations for diabetes mellitus occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
19% of hospitalisations for diabetes mellitus occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
25% of hospitalisations for diabetes mellitus were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
0.7% (368,493) of hospital bed days were for diabetes mellitus in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
0.013% (1,701) of hospital consultant episodes were for elevated blood glucose level in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
84% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level required hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
46% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level were for men in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
54% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level were for women in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
55% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level required emergency hospital admission in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
5 days was the mean length of stay in hospitals for elevated blood glucose level in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
2 days was the median length of stay in hospitals for elevated blood glucose level in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
49 was the mean age of patients hospitalised for elevated blood glucose level in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
49% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level occurred in 15-59 year olds in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
19% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level occurred in people over 75 in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
22% of hospital consultant episodes for elevated blood glucose level were single day episodes in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
% (5,128) of hospital bed days were for elevated blood glucose level in England 2002-03 (Hospital Episode Statistics, Department of Health, England, 2002-03)
Hospitalization statistics in Australia:
Hospitalisations for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus at public hospitals occurred in 8.7 people per 10,000 population in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
9.5 days was the mean length of stay in public hospitals for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
Hospitalization statistics in Australia for public hospitals:
0.05% (11) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 5 to 14 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
0.28% (58) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 15 to 24 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
1.17% (243) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 25 to 34 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
3.78% (783) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 35 to 44 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
11.43% (2,366) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 45 to 54 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
20.7% (4,286) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 55 to 64 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
30.3% (6,270) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 65 to 74 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
27% (5,581) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged 75 to 84 years in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
5.3% (1,095) of hospital episodes for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in public hospitals occurred in males aged over 85 in Australia 2001-02 (Australian Hospital Data, AIHW, Australia, 2001-02)
TopPhysician office visit statistics for Diabetes:The following are statistics from various sources about physician office visits and Diabetes:
26.9 million visits were made to a physicianÌs office for diabetes in the US 2001 (National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2001 Summary, NCHS, CDC)
2.6 million visits were made to a hospital outpatient department for diabetes in the US 2001 (National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2001 Summary, NCHS, CDC)
12,502,000 people visited a physicianÌs office primarily for diabetes mellitus in the US 2001 (National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2001)
TopAbout statistics:This page presents a variety of statistics about Diabetes. The term 'prevalence' of Diabetes usually refers to the estimated population of people who are managing Diabetes at any given time. The term 'incidence' of Diabetes refers to the annual diagnosis rate, or the number of new cases of Diabetes diagnosed each year. Hence, these two statistics types can differ: a short-lived disease like flu can have high annual incidence but low prevalence, but a life-long disease like diabetes has a low annual incidence but high prevalence. For more information see about prevalence and incidence statistics.
Footnotes: 1. SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2000, National Cancer Institute (NCI)
2. Years of Potential Life Lost in North Carolina, NCMJ March/April 2002, Volume 63, Number 2
3. Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, MDCH, Michigan, USA


