University of New South Wales - Diabetes Clinic
University of New South Wales - Diabetes Clinic
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone +61 2 9385 1000

Diabetes Clinic appointments to:
Telephone: (02) 9385 4624 or (02) 9385 4627

For Further Information on the Diabetes Clinic:
Email: David Pye
Telephone: (02) 9385 4359

The Diabetes Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital offers a comprehensive service for diabetic patients, with patients having access to endocrinologists, diabetic educators, nurses, dieticians and podiatrists.

The School of Optometry and Vision Science provides initial eye examinations for newly diagnosed diabetic patients and patients returning for continuing care. If patients require additional eye care, they are referred to the Eye Clinic at the Prince of Wales Hospital for further assessment and treatment.

Patients are usually either referred to the Centre by their local medical practitioners to participate in a shared care management of the patient's diabetes, or the diabetes is managed by the staff within the Centre.
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