
Diabetes Library
Causes of Diabetic Kidney Problems


What problems does diabetic kidney disease cause?

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What problems does diabetic kidney disease cause? Professor Ian W Campbell NetDoctor The kidneys are essential organs: they filter and eliminate the waste products of metabolism READ MORE

Microalbuminuria In Diabetic Kidney Disease

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Microalbuminuria In Diabetic Kidney Disease What is diabetic kidney disease? Kidney disease is one of the most serious complications of diabetes. After years of diabetes, the filtering units of th READ MORE

Diabetes and kidney failure

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Diabetes and kidney failure Better Health Channel The main job of the kidneys is to remove waste from the blood and return the cleaned blood back to the body. Kidney failure means the kidneys ar READ MORE
Causes of diabetic kidney problems in diabetics are caused by high blood sugar levels. Diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar levels and may take diabetic medications to control blood sugar levels.
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