
Diabetes Library
Clinical Trials for Diabetic Neurogenic Bladder


Neurogenic Bladder

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Neurogenic Bladder NewYork-Presbyterian What is a neurogenic bladder? The muscles and nerves of the urinary system work together to hold urine in the bladder and then release it at the appropri READ MORE

PK/PD, Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Tamsulosin Treatment in Children With Ne...

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PK/PD, Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Tamsulosin Treatment in Children With Neurogenic Bladder This study is currently recruiting participants. Verified by Astellas Pharma Inc, November 2008 READ MORE

Diagnostic Challenges in IC (and Male CPPS)

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Diagnostic Challenges in IC (and Male CPPS) November 2008 ClinicalTrials.gov his study is currently recruiting participants. Verified by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney READ MORE
Clinical Trials for Diabetic Neurogenic Bladder: Clinical trials are research studies that test how well new medical approaches work for people. Clinical trials answer questions and try to find better ways to prevent, screen, diagnose, and treat a disease like Diabetic Neurogenic Bladder. Neurogenic bladder is a form of Diabetic Neuropathy that occurs when blood sugar levels are uncontrolled, usually over a long period of time.
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