
Diabetes Library
Complications of Diabetic Stroke


Given diabetic stroke you will in addition need to recognize Stroke: A Swift Kil...

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Given diabetic stroke you will in addition need to recognize Stroke: A Swift Killer Curtailing Stroke Damage Heart Health TIPS In certain cases, an individual may not even be aware that he or she READ MORE

The Diabetes-Heart Disease Connection Information

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The Diabetes-Heart Disease Connection Information Author Info: Turner, Polly Reviewer Name: Whorton, Donald, M.D. Date Last Reviewed: 01-14-2008 Published Date: 01-14-2008 Did you know that i READ MORE

Stroke & Diabetes

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Stroke & Diabetes Your Total Health Summary Stroke is a life-threatening event in which a part of the brain is deprived of sufficient oxygen. Also called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), str READ MORE
Complications of Diabetic Stroke: People with diabetes are more likely to have coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and many other risk factors for stroke. People with type 1 diabetes have an increased risk of stroke because high quantities of blood sugar may damage blood vessels, making arterial walls thicker and hindering the passage of blood.
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