
Diabetes Library
Diabetes Assistance Programs in Alabama


Steps to a Healthier Alabama

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Steps to a Healthier Alabama The Steps to a HealthierUS five-year cooperative agreement program funds states, cities, and tribal entities to implement chronic disease prevention efforts focused on READ MORE

The Alabama Diabetes Prevention and Control Program

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The Alabama Diabetes Prevention and Control Program From the CDC last reviewed January 31, 2005 The Alabama Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (DPCP) has received funding from the Centers READ MORE

ALL Kids

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Good News for Alabama Families The number of children in Alabama with healthcare coverage has grown significantly in the last year. This means that those children will now be healthier, happier chil READ MORE

Alabama Diabetes Program

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The Diabetes Branch of the Alabama Department of Public Health works in collaboration with many other programs within and outside of the Department to help people delay or prevent development of diabe READ MORE
Diabetes assistance programs in Alabama may help a diabetic obtain medical supplies to treat Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Insulin, blood sugar monitors, or health insurance coverage for diabetics may be offered.
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