
Diabetes Library
Diabetes and Cinnamon


Cinnamon Helps Type 2 Diabetes

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Cinnamon Helps Type 2 Diabetes Also Helps Cholesterol -- But More Than A Sprinkle Required Dec. 5, 2003 By Jeanie Lerche Davis WebMD Health News A spicy tip: Cinnamon can improve glucose and ch READ MORE

Cinnamon: Should It Be Taken as a Diabetes Medication?

Votes:14 Comments:0
Cinnamon: Should It Be Taken as a Diabetes Medication? 2 April 2008 John R. White Diabetes Health The Chinese mentioned cinnamon in their written work more than 4,000 years ago. The ancient Egy READ MORE
Diabetes and Cinnamon: There are natural and herbal medicines, such as Cinnamon used to help control diabetes symptoms. While natural and herbal medicines may help with diabetes management, do your research and discuss with a medical doctor before trying natural and herbal medicines for diabetes and diabetes symptoms.
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