
Diabetes Library
Diabetes and Stem Cell Research in Alaska


Stem cell testing offered at blood drive

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Stem cell testing offered at blood drive Sunday, August 10, 2003 By JENNI DILLON Peninsula Clarion The Blood Bank of Alaska-Kenai Peninsula Center will offer area residents two different ways t READ MORE

Michael J. Fox campaigns for stem cell research at UNH

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Michael J. Fox campaigns for stem cell research at UNH www.seacoastonline.com By Michael Mccord mmccord@seacoastonline.com September 24, 2008 6:00 AM DURHAM — Speaking at the University of READ MORE

Alaska: State Embryonic & Fetal Research Laws as of January, 2008

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Data are as of January 26, 2008. There are four primary sources for embryonic stem cells: existing stem cell lines, aborted or miscarried embryos, unused in vitro fertilized embryos, and cloned embry READ MORE
Diabetes and Stem Cell Research in Alaska: Diabetes and stem cell research in Alabama is regulated by the state. Diabetes research is all about finding a permanent cure for Diabetes. Until a cure can be found, medical scientists will continue to look for ways to help manage insulin levels in both Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
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