
Diabetes Library
Diabetes and Stress


Stress Can Aggravate Diabetes

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Stress Can Aggravate Diabetes By Melissa Tennen, HealthAtoZ writer HealthAtoZ.com Stress makes diabetes worse, even if you are doing everything you can to control your condition. That's why READ MORE

Chop deletion reduces oxidative stress, improves β cell function, and promo...

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Chop deletion reduces oxidative stress, improves β cell function, and promotes cell survival in multiple mouse models of diabetes Published in Volume 118, Issue 10 (October 1, 2008) J. Clin. READ MORE


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Stress American Diabetes Association Stress results when something causes your body to behave as if it were under attack. Sources of stress can be physical, like injury or illness. Or they can be READ MORE
Diabetes and Stress: Having diabetes can be a major cause of stress in a person’s life. The constant blood glucose testing, the numerous daily diabetes medications needed, insulin injections, eating a balanced diabetic diet, and having to exercise regularity are just a few of the things that can cause stress in a diabetic’s life. The fact that there is no cure for diabetes is a great stressor as well.
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