
Diabetes Library
Diabetic Bladder Control Problem Treatment


Sacral Nerve Stimulation

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Nerve stimulation is a reversible treatment for patients with bladder control problems in whom conservative treatments have not worked or have not been tolerated. Conservative treatments include behav READ MORE

Bladder Infection and Bladder Control Medicines

Votes:29 Comments:0
A large number of drug therapies might be helpful for incontinence sufferers. The proper therapy, of course, depends on the diagnosed cause. Incontinence is often caused by a bladder infection – cures READ MORE

Treatment Can Ease Bladder Control Problems

Votes:15 Comments:0
Q. This is embarrassing to discuss with anyone so I thought I'd write to you about it. I'm having bladder-control problems. What can I do? A. About 10 percent of men and women over the age of 65 ha READ MORE
Diabetic bladder control problem treatment consists of exercise or medications for those with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes info will be provided by the doctor that treats your diabetic symptoms.
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