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Conditions and Diseases > High Blood Pressure and Hypertension Forum > severe ...

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Conditions and Diseases > High Blood Pressure and Hypertension Forum > severe headaches diabetic ehealth Q: severe headaches diabetic asked by: tampairish on June 25th, 2008 My aunt is 6 READ MORE

Having Psoriasis Raises Risk of Diabetes, Hypertension

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Having Psoriasis Raises Risk of Diabetes, Hypertension April 20, 2009 HealthDay A new study lends more credence to a long-suspected connection between psoriasis, diabetes and hypertension. READ MORE

Diabetes and Hypertension are silent Killers

Votes:17 Comments:0
Diabetes and Hypertension are silent Killers 13 Aug 2008 Dr.Sanjeev(Sandy) Friends, These two diseases mentioned above are now being endemic in our country. Not a single house is spared and READ MORE
Diabetic Hypertension forums and discussions provide a way for people with Diabetes and Hypertension to learn about Hypertension treatment, such as Diabetes diet and Diabetes exercise, and Diabetes medication and Hypertension drugs. They can also learn to recognize Hypertension symptoms and avoid the serious Diabetes complications hypertension can contribute to.
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