
Diabetes Library
Diabetic Mental Problem Prevention


Mental Health Problems Linked to Diabetes

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Mental Health Problems Linked to Diabetes What is the problem and what is known about it so far? Blindness is a common complication of type 2 diabetes that can cause problems with a person’s dai READ MORE

Pre-Diabetic Condition Linked to Memory Loss

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Pre-Diabetic Condition Linked to Memory Loss Excerpt By Alison McCook, Reuter's Health Prevent Disease.com NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Middle-aged and older adults with a condition that often READ MORE

Memory Loss and Diabetes

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Memory Loss and Diabetes Jeanette Pollock There are many issues one can face when they have been diagnosed with diabetes. One of the most frustrating is memory loss. Memory loss can occur in mos READ MORE
Diabetics often suffer from mental problems, due in large part to the stress and changes that are necessary to live with diabetes. Prevention can be as easy as acknowledge the causes of this Diabetes complication and treat it early. Treatment can start with discussing your feelings with a friend or health care professional.
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