2009 CHPR Conference - 18 February 2009 - Austin, TX
2009 CHPR Conference
February 18, 2009
Austin TX
UT Alumni Center Connally Ballroom
Health Disparities: From Local to Global
We are pleased to invite you to Promoting Health in Underserved Populations: Health Disparities, From Local to Global, a research conference sponsored by the Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations (CHPR) at The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing. TheCHPR was established in 1999 through funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Nursing Research (P30NR005051). The elimination of health disparities in underserved populations through interdisciplinary and collaborative research in health promotion and disease prevention is a central aim of CHPR. We are pleased to partner with the School of Social Work, the Center for Social Work Research, The UT Austin Population Research Center, the Seton Family of Hospitals, The University of Texas Southwestern North and Central Texas Clinical & Translational Science Initiative, and Sigma Theta Tau’s Epsilon Theta chapter to disseminate important new information on eliminating health disparities.
The conference will feature a keynote presentation by noted researcher Ronald G. Victor, MD (UT Southwestern Medical Center), a closing address by John Ehiri, PhD, MPH, MSc (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and the work of 16 other distinguished researchers. Please take a moment to review this brochure and register to join this important dialogue on promoting the health of underserved populations on February 18, 2009.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Ronald G. Victor, MD, is Professor of Internal Medicine, the Norman and Audrey Kaplan Chair in Hypertension, the Dallas Heart Ball Chair in Hypertension and Heart Disease, Director of the Florence A. and Houston J. Doswell Center for the Development of New Approaches for the Treatment of Hypertension, and the Chief of the Hypertension Division at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Victor is recognized internationally for his research on neural mechanisms of hypertension as well as his research to detect, treat and control hypertension in specific populations, especially African American men and persons with chronic renal failure. He is currently the secretary/treasurer for the Association of University Cardiologists and the Leadership Council of the AHA in Hypertension Research. Dr. Victor has authored over 100 articles and book chapters. His keynote address will include findings from his innovative study using barbershops as a site for a community health promotion program to monitor and control blood pressure in African-American men.
CLOSING SPEAKER: John Ehiri, PhD, MPH, MSc (Econ), has over 20 years of research, teaching and practice experience in global health. He is Principal Investigator and Chair of the Executive Committee, University of Alabama at Birmingham Framework Program for Global Health, an initiative funded by the Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes of Health. This program seeks to build global health research capacity in the US and in low- and middle-income countries by supporting the development of innovative, multidisciplinary global health programs.
Center for Health Promotion Research
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Nursing
1700 Red River
Austin, Texas 78701-1499
