2009 Vertical Dash for Diabetes Race & Health Fair
2009 Vertical Dash for Diabetes Race & Health Fair


One Step Closer to the Cure!
Raise money with each step you take! Join kcfit.net in this exciting and innovative health awareness and fundraising event to benefit the American Diabetes Association.


Who: Your friends, neighbors and coworkers and YOU!

What: Participants will race up 34 flights of stairs as part of The Third Annual Vertical Dash for Diabetes Race and Health Fair. Participants will receive a t-shirt and goody bag for taking part in this year’s race. The health fair will be located in the Rotunda of the TownPavilion Building.

When: Saturday, March 7, 2009. Packet pick-up begins at 8:00 AM. Race begins at 9:00 AM. Racers will start in 10 second intervals.

Where: Town Pavilion. 1111 Main Street, Kansas City, MO (12th and Main downtown Kansas City.)

Why: Hosted by KCFit.net as a fundraiser for the local American Diabetes Association. The event is expected to raise $15,000 for diabetes education, advocacy, and research to find a cure for this serious disease. With more than 365,000 people affected by diabetes in the greater Kansas City community, fundraising for research to find a cure has become critically important. This is the third year of what we expect to become a lasting Kansas City tradition. Imagine 200 stair climbers – racing up the 34 stories of the Town Pavilion Building to help prevent and cure diabetes and help improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

© 2007 - 2009 Vertical Dash for Diabetes
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