Bladder Control Problems And Symptoms
Bladder control problems are seldom a pleasant thing to think about. Many who suffer with this problem suffer a high degree of embarrassment. Some to the point where the will not even see their doctor or health care provider. Some will also start to limit their activities and stay close to home. Much of this is unnecessary because most bladder control problems can be treated. Knowing the symptoms of bladder control problems could lead to early detection. This could translate into the problem being treated before an embarrassing incident occurs.
Urgency is one of the most common symptoms in bladder control problems. If you feel like you have to urinate immediately, and you feel this way often it might be a good idea to consult your doctor.
On the opposite side of the coin, hesitancy is another common symptom. If you are trying to urinate but have a difficult time getting a steady stream of urine going, then again seek the advice of your doctor.
Frequency is another common symptom. If you find your having to urinate often then this could be a sign. If you find that you frequently having to get up in the night to use the toilet then see your health care provider.
Dysuria, or pain and burning while you urinate are another cause for concern. This usually occurs when you have a bladder infection. The infection itself needs to be treated as it can cause future bladder control problems.
Hemteria is another possible symptom. This means that there is blood in the urine. The urine will usually appear pinkish and cloudy. It could be an indicator of an infection or other problems as well.
If you experience dribbling, especially after you have finished urinating then this is another indication. It could be a sign that your bladder isn’t emptying properly.
Finally, straining is another symptom. If you have to strain or bear down to urinate then you definitely should seek the advice of a doctor.
Bladder control problems are not pleasant things to think about. However, they can quite often be treated with a great deal of success. If you experience any of the symptoms listed, you should consult your doctor or health care provider immediately. These could be indicative of bladder control problems or something far more serious.
19 July 2007