Campamento Diabetes Safari
Campamento Diabetes Safari
Dr. Stan De Loach, Apartado Postal 20 Bis, Colonia Centro, 06002 México 1, Distrito Federal, México

+ (52) (55) 5510 9830 Dr. Stan De Loach

Brief description of the Campamento

of the
Campamento .. Educational, recreational, international, bilingual
(English and Spanish), co-educational, 4 days and 3 nights, Oaxtepec, Morelos, México; 2 - 5 May 2009

For whom .. Young persons from 7 to 18 years of age, who use
insulin injections in the self-management of diabetes mellitus, type 1

Cost .. $2550 Mexican pesos or $245 US Dollars, all inclusive

Staff to Camper
ratio .. One for every two or three Campers
Dr. Stan De Loach says: 2009-08-28 18:27:13
Due to the outbreak of H1N1 influenza, the Mexican government closed all public venues for the time period that included the dates for the 2009 Campamento Diabetes Safari, which could therefore not be held. However, the Campamento will again take place near Mexico City (Mexico) in May 2010. Details at: as of January 2010. Gracias.

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