Children with Diabetes Forums
Children with Diabetes Forums
Welcome to the Children with Diabetes Forums.
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Children with Diabetes Forums Statistics
Threads: 24,880, Posts: 286,526, Members: 4,036, Active Members: 873
About the Company
Children with Diabetes, Inc. (CWD) operates one of the most established, well-trafficked online diabetes communities through (online since 1995), promotes the Quilt for Life diabetes awareness project, and hosts Friends for Life conferences to provide education and support for children with diabetes and their families. The inspiration for CWD was personal for founder and president, Jeff Hitchcock; his daughter Marissa was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of two. Jeff's focus was to make a difference in the life of his daughter, and by extension, in the lives of all of the daughters and sons living with diabetes.
Our virtual team of editors, marketers, and technical staff is devoted to providing new and experienced parents of children with diabetes, with trusted information and resources. On March 28, 2008, CWD joined the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies as part of the Diabetes Franchise.
To contact us, please use our Feedback Form, or write to:
Children with Diabetes, Inc.
5689 Chancery Place
Hamilton, OH 45011