Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Diabetes
Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Diabetes

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient form of treatment that is gradually gaining acceptance in the western world. In some parts of mainland China and Korea, far from being perceived as an alternative system, it is an integral part of the healthcare system. It may be used by qualified professional Chinese doctors in the therapy of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Often conducted in conjunction with acupuncture, and based on several different principles and herbs, the treatment has been effective for diabetes sufferers in some instances. TCM experts claim that the treatments must commence at an early stage in the development of diabetes to maximise its efficiency, however.

The key affects of TCM for diabetics is its ability to get the blood flowing around the body. This improved level of circulation can be crucial to freeze or at least slow down the debilitating onset of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy can be crippling and may result in amputation at advanced stages (See Diabetes and Foot Care page), and at the very least causes swelling and pain. This pain could potentially be reduced by TCM. Further positive effects of TCM can include the stability of blood sugar levels for sufferers of Type 2, the key factor in diabetic health. TCM does this by stimulating order within the endocrine system.

Acupuncture, the practise of inserting special needles (4-25mm long) into specific areas of the body to stimulate the functions of the organs, is also said to help in the treatment of diabetes. The impacts of diabetic neuropathy may be halted through acupuncture. Also, importantly, treating the pancreas area (through several of the 500 acupuncture points located all over the body) with acupuncture has been shown to reduce the autoimmune component central to diabetes. There have been some claims that through the use of acupuncture, diabetics may need to use less insulin. Acupuncture of the ears may also be beneficial for type 2 diabetics to stimulate the nervous system.

TCM and acupuncture, although they have helped diabetics in the past, must be used carefully and after consultation. They should be used to complement existing conventional medical aid, and not on their own.
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