Conditions and Diseases > High Blood Pressure and Hypertension Forum > severe headaches diabetic
Conditions and Diseases > High Blood Pressure and Hypertension Forum > severe headaches diabetic

Q: severe headaches diabetic
asked by: tampairish on June 25th, 2008

My aunt is 61 years old. she has been a non-compliant diabetic
for 18 years, and is suffering subsequent problems now due to the lack of due diligence.

About a month ago she was c/o severe headaches, accompanied with n/v. the h/a's would start behind the eyes and radiate to the top of her head and around to the back of her head.

Along with the headaches, she also had severe hypertension - upwards of 250 over 140 - every time she has these head aches. Her blood sugar
shoots up to 400 as well.

She has no history of hypertension. she is not on any bp meds either. She has two TIA's in the past (approx. two years ago was the last one).

She went into the hospital and had a battery of tests. here are the results:

CT of the head: Negative
MRI of the head: Negative
MRA of the Kidney's: Negative
CBC: Normal
CMP: Normal (mind you, this is an 18 year, non-compliant diabetic)
EKG: Normal
Ultrasound of the Kidney's: Normal

It was then suspected that she had Renal Stenosis, however, when the dye was injected, they saw that the arteries were, in fact perfectly patent w/o occlusion.

They finally sent her home, however, she is still suffering from horrible headaches. she can not take migrane/cluster headache meds because she's allergic to sulfa.

the doctors are stumped, I'm stumped and her husband is stumped. please, someone offer some insight.

replied on June 25th, 2008
Extremely eHealthy

It seems to me that it is very easily explained.

I am a womans health nurse Smile

Diabetics who are 'non-compliant' will have a HUGE range of symptoms. These can CERTAINLY include headaches, stroke, and hypertension.

I am shocked that any doctor would seem stumped. I would expect to see that and possibly MORE from a diabetic who has not been very diligent with her health.

Also.. Many patients with high blood pressure will have headaches, that is a side effect of high blood pressure in general. Weakness and tiredness are symptoms as well.

I recommend seeking out a new doctor, PREFERABLY someone with experience for patients age 60 GERONTOLOGISTS

These are all interconnected! She NEEDS to control her blood sugar! It needs to be WELL below 120.

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