Diabatic Kidney Problem Treatment
Diabatic Kidney Problem Treatment
Reviewer Info: Parul Patel, MD
The goals of treatment are to keep the kidney disease from getting worse and prevent complications. This involves keeping your blood pressure under control (under 130/80). Controlling high blood pressure is the most effective way of slowing kidney damage from diabetic nephropathy.
Your doctor may prescribe the following medicines to lower your blood pressure:
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
These drugs help reduce the amount of protein in the urine. Many studies have suggested that a combination of these two types of drugs may be best.
It is also very important to control lipid levels, maintain a healthy weight, and engage in regular physical activity.
You should closely monitor your blood sugar levels. Doing so may help slow down kidney damage, especially in the very early stages of the disease. Your can change your diet to help control your blood sugar. See also: Diet for people with diabetes
Your doctor may also prescribe medications to help control your blood sugar. Your dosage of medicine may need to be adjusted from time to time. As kidney failure gets worse, your body removes less insulin, so smaller doses may be needed to control glucose levels.
Urinary tract and other infections are common and can be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
Dialysis may be necessary once end-stage renal disease develops. At this stage, a kidney transplant must be considered. Another option for patients with type 1 diabetes is a combined kidney-pancreas transplant.
