Diabetes In Control. A free weekly diabetes newsletter for Medical Professionals
Diabetes In Control. A free weekly diabetes newsletter for Medical Professionals

Our Mission

The Mission of Diabetes In Control is to be the world leader of current and accurate on-line diabetes information for medical professionals. To promote increased understanding of the care and treatment of diabetes, ultimately helping the medical professional to empower the patient to better self-care.



To provide the most current information on new drugs, therapies, and devices

To Provide information on current studies and results

To provide trials for participation in new therapies, educational programs, meters, and other devices.

To promote certification for diabetes educators

To provide current information on the standards of care

To provide methods for medical professionals to take responsibility for patient outcomes.

To promote the team approach in diabetes care

To provide methods to empower the patient to better self-care

Letter to subscribers:

Diabetes is an epidemic, and there is great interest from the corporate world to bring new products and treatments to market. There are over 4900 studies going on for new drugs, appliances and treatments for diabetes. The information that is available is astronomical.

Since 1995 the medical industry has introduced 8 new drugs and insulin’s, 50 new meters, and pumps and countless over the counter aids There will be over 20 new drugs for diabetes within the next 5 years. They will have a non-invasive meter within 2 years and the cure for Type 1 gets closer and beat goes on.

It is crucial for diabetes educators, medical professionals, and patients to have the most current information available. Because 98% of diabetes management has to come from the patient, If we can make it easier for them, they will have more success in controlling their diabetes.

In addition the shift to outcomes based diabetes management has put an extra strain on our time and increased our need for knowledge.

Since we are all so busy it makes it very difficult, almost impossible to stay current on the new approaches, medications, meters, etc, for our patients.

We are offering you a free newsletter. This Ezine (electronic magazine) for diabetes educators and medical professionals will help keep you informed about the new treatments, appliances and studies that can make a difference for your diabetic patients to self manage their diabetes.

Dave Joffe: Editor
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