Diabetes Support Groups. New Mexico.
Diabetes Support Groups. New Mexico.


Here you can find Diabetes Support Groups in your state by county. If you know of a Diabetes Support Group that is not listed here please email Kimberly Advent.

Bernalillo County

Place: New Mexico VA Health Care System
Program Name: The Diabetes Outpatient Education Group Program
Address: 1501 San Pedro Drive, SE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87108
Telephone: 505-265-1711 X 4656

Place: Lovelace Health Systems
Program Name: Lovelace Regional Outpatient Diabetes Program
Address: 5400 Gibson Blvd. SE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87108
Telephone: 505-262-7455

Place: Diabetes Network, Inc.
Program Name: Diabetes Education Program
Address: 6821 Montgomery NE Suite H
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87109
Telephone: 505-830-0100

Place: Diabetes Self-Management Center, Inc.
Program Name: Diabetes Self-Management Outpatient Center
Address: 717 Encino Place, NE, Suite 29
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87102
Telephone: 505-338-4800

Place: Indian Health Service, Albuquerque Service Unit
Program Name: ASU Outpatient Diabetes Education Program
Address: 801 Vassar Drive, NE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87106
Telephone: 505-248-4017

Place: Southwest Endocrinology Associates, P.A.
Program Name: Southwest Regional Diabetes Center Outpatient Education/Self-Management Program
Address: 4600 Jefferson Lane, Suite A
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87109
Telephone: 505-872-1002 X 103

Place: Lovelace Health Systems-Gibson Site and Albuquerque Satellite Clinics
Program Name: Lovelace Regional Outpatient Diabetes Program
Address: c/o 5400 Gibson Blvd., SE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87107
Telephone: 505-262-7455

Place: Lovelace Health Systems-Las Cruces
Program Name: Lovelace Regional Outpatient Diabetes Program
Address: c/o 5400 Gibson Blvd., SE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87107
Telephone: 505-262-7455

Place: Lovelace Health Systems-Santa Fe/St. Michael's Clinic
Program Name: Lovelace Regional Outpatient Diabetes Program
Address: c/o 5400 Gibson Blvd., SE
City, State, Zip: Albuquerque, NM, 87107
Telephone: 505-262-7455


McKinley County
Place: Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services
Program Name: Diabetes Education Program
Address: 1901 Red Rock Drive
City, State, Zip: Gallup, NM, 87301
Telephone: 505-863-7333 or 888-86...
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