Diabetic Eye Disease: Medical Treatment
Diabetic Eye Disease: Medical Treatment
Medical treatment of diabetic eye disease is generally directed at the underlying problem - the diabetes itself. The better control a patient has of the disease, the fewer problems they will have in the long run.
Monitoring the patient's glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1C, Hb1AC) is the best assessment of the overall level of blood sugar control. A medical doctor will order this blood test at least once a year. If the patient's results are initially found to be abnormal or if the patien'ts self-test blood sugar results become more variable, then this blood test may be ordered more frequently.
* For diabetic retinopathy, surgical treatment (for example, laser treatment) is the treatment of choice. Injections of corticosteroids or newer anti-vascular-proliferative medications in the area around the eye may be used.
* Cataracts are commonly treated with cataract surgery.
* Glaucoma requires the use of antiglaucoma medications.