Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic Neuropathy
Hi every one there! I looking for different treatment stretagies for the diabetic neuropathy patient. So far I think that the TENS for relieving the pain and exercises to develop the lost muscle bulk is ok. What else you people suggest.
#2 02-08-2001, 03:09 AM
Physio Forum Member Join Date: Apr 2001
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re: Diabetic Neuropathy
looking at their use of legs in daily activities will open up the points of do's and dont's that would protect thier sensation deprived areas. the important goals is the education about it to the patient that it is ireversible and emphasis on regular inspection of their legs and glucose control are the main paradigms that has to be addressesd by a health professional. the patient has to be addressed not only about the peripheral neuropathy also about the cranial and autonomic neuropathy that they may encounter along the course of their disease. specific care has to be imparted to the patient on all these areas.