Guest Blogger Tedd Florendo
Guest Blogger Tedd Florendo
By Tedd Florendo
Story Created: Dec 4, 2008 at 2:32 PM CST
Story Updated: Dec 4, 2008 at 2:32 PM CST
((Brian's Note: I worked with Tedd Florendo for years at KLAS Television in Las Vegas. Tedd is a hybrid weatherman and news reporter and he does both very well. He can talk about a monsoon rain storm in one breath and breaking news in the next. He is a well rounded broadcaster and a real professional.))
Greetings from Vegas. I noticed most of these blogs started out that way so I thought I'd keep the tradition going. When Brian asked me to write a blog for him, the first thing I told myself was, "what on earth am I going to talk about?" I mean, of course I have a great career that has taken me thousands of miles across the U.S. to places I never thought I'd dream of going. But, I think the best part to my gig is what we can bring to our community. So, that is my topic.
It's been nearly a decade since I started in news back in the small town of Yakima, WA. It was there a co-anchor of mine had suggested I should support a cause. Why not? A career that could draw in thousands of dollars in aid and support by making appearances just asking people to donate. It never really occurred to me to support something. What could I support? Aid's Awareness Day, the fight against breast cancer? The list goes on. It wasn't until January of this year that I decided YES, I can fight for a cause. A cause that I hold dear to my heart. I have included the speech I gave in front of thousands of supporters in the "Fight against Diabetes Walk" here in Vegas. When the speech was over, I had dozens of people come up to me and tell me their stories of how their son, grandson, grandmother and others had died from this deadly disease. This is their story.. This is my story.
"I stand before you here today, not as a type 1 or type 2 diabetic. But, this disease affects me just as much as it affects all of you.
Years ago a co-anchor of mine said, "Tedd. you should support a cause. Fight for something!" I didn't even give it a second thought. I was too consumed with my job, my life and my success. But, all of that changed 8 months ago. I met a wonderful, beautiful young woman named Jennifer. She's the love of my life, and 2 weeks into dating she was diagnosed as a diabetic. A diabetic at 30 years old, I thought to myself how is that possible? This young, vibrant, healthy woman was now facing a lifelong disease--I was crushed. I told myself I have 2 options. I could either NOT worry about it. Or, I could support her, be there for her, help her fight this fight-------I chose option 2.
You see it doesn't matter if you're type 1, type 2 or type 3 like myself, the role of the caregiver. Every dollar counts. It's organizations like this that help bring us closer to a cure. There are medical breakthrough's everyday. I'm not asking for a thousand dollars, I'm not asking for 20 dollars or 2 dollars. All I ask is that you keep supporting organizations like the American Diabetes Association and other diabetes fundraisers. There are 300,000 Las Vegans with the disease, and I bet there are some who don't even know it. Millions in the US are affected by the disease, we can't escape it. We can't turn our back to it, because I'm willing to bet you, or someone very close to you has the disease. I stand before you to ask for your continued support for causes and organizations and fundraisers like you see here today. Because it's your support and money that brings us closer to a cure, so that our loved ones, and my Jennifer can live a long, healthy, prosperous life right along side us. I'm proud to be walking alongside all of you. I thank you for being here this morning, Jennifer thanks you, Channel 8 thanks you.. but most importantly thank yourselves for being here. God Bless."
~Speech at Step out: Fight Diabetes Fundraiser
I can't tell you how many people came up to me crying and hugging me. Crying because their loved ones are no longer with us. Honestly, I'm not asking you to support the fight for diabetes. I'm asking you to search deep in your heart for what you want to fight for. Maybe, just maybe that fight for a miracle will help brighten someone's Christmas. You won't regret it. Happy Holidays and God Bless.
((Brian's Note: This one story alone should tell you something about Tedd. I count him among my good friends. As I said, he is a good broadcaster but more importantly, he is a good guy. Feel free to leave a comment below or send in an e-mail by clicking here.))
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