Heart Conditions & Diabetes - Signs and Symptoms of Heart Conditions
Heart Conditions & Diabetes - Signs and Symptoms of Heart Conditions
Review Date: 08-22-2008
Reviewed By: Nikheel Kolatkar, M.D.

Heart conditions can cause a number of symptoms. These include:

* Chest pain due to reduced blood flow (angina), which may radiate to the neck, jaw, shoulder, arm or testicles
* Pressure in the chest
* Dizziness or fainting
* Abnormal heartbeat
* Sweating
* Gray facial color
* Abnormal heartbeat
* Shortness of breath or fatigue
* Edema (swelling) in ankles
* Pain or cramping in buttocks, thighs or calves during exertion (claudication)
* Erectile dysfunction

People with diabetes should also be aware of the signs of a stroke. These can include numbness or weakness in arms or legs (especially on one side of the body), difficulty communicating and sudden loss of vision.

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