Homeopathy for Urinary Bladder Infections
Homeopathy for Urinary Bladder Infections

Urinary bladder infections, also known as cystitis, and urinary tract infections (UTI) can be debilitating, with symptoms such as pain in the bladder, burning or stinging sensations, and a frequent urge to urinate. They lead to millions of doctor visits and more than one million hospitalizations each year. Two-thirds of those visits are by women of childbearing age. About 11 percent of women report experiencing urinary bladder infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs) each year.

Fortunately, most urinary bladder infections are not serious. If they are left untreated, however, they can lead to more complicated health problems. Homeopathy, an alternative medicine approach, can be used to treat the infections, encourage quick recovery, and relieve discomfort. Studies indicate that homeopathy can successfully treat urinary bladder infections, even though treatment is highly individualized. If, however, there is a fever, the urine has a reddish color, or discomfort is felt in the kidney region, the patient should see a conventional doctor.

Homeopathic Remedies for Urinary Bladder Infections
Homeopathy treats patients on every level, addressing the emotional, physical, and mental state of the patient. Each treatment is highly individualized to the symptoms of the illness and the personal characteristics of the patient. The most common remedies for urinary bladder infections are outlined below. These remedies are designed to relieve acute episodes, and are especially useful for chronic problems.

When the patient feels anxious both before and during urination, with scanty, hot urine and a burning or spasmodic sensation in the bladder outlet, Aconitum apellus is often useful.
When the person frequently needs to urinate, but only small quantities are passed; when stinging and burning sensations are felt, especially with the last few drops; and there might be soreness in the abdomen, Apis mellifica might provide relief.
If a cramping or writhing sensation is felt in the bladder area, the bladder feels very sensitive, the patient experiences frequent and intense urges to urinate, and small amounts of highly colored urine are passed a homeopath might suggest Belladonna.
When there is inflammation of the bladder experienced as twinges of cutting pain; a burning sensation that extends to the urethra and its opening, even when no attempt at urination is being made; and after emptying the bladder, the person feels as if some urine still remains inside, a homeopath might prefer Berberis vulgaris.
When there is a strong urge to urinate; cutting pains that are felt before, during, and after the urine passes; only several drops pass at a time, with a scalding sensation; and a feeling that the bladder has not been emptied, the homeopath may suggest Cantharis.
For inflammation of the bladder that aches, with smarting pain in the urinary opening and a feeling that the urine is retained, Borax is often indicated.
When the patient feels a troublesome urge to urinate, but with a need to strain or even stand up and lean forward to make urine pass, Chimaphila umbellate might help.
When a person must urinate frequently, feels constriction in the urinary passage, has an interrupted flow, only passes a small amount, dribbles afterward, and experiences a tingling sensation long after urination is finished, the solution might be Clematis.
If an inflamed bladder has a dull but distressing pain and feels full even after urinating, with a greater sense of urgency and discomfort that decreases as the bladder fills up again, then Equisetum may relieve symptoms.
If a patient has to urinate frequently during the night and passes large amounts of urine, or feels a painful urge but has to strain to make the urine flow, and experiences pain in the back before the urine passes, Lycopodium may be helpful.
If the patient has an irritated bladder with a constant need to empty, passing only small amounts; cramping or burning pain in the bladder area; and an itching sensation in the urethra while the urine passes, Nux vomica might be suggested.
When the bladder is inflamed; a frequent urge to urinate is felt; there is a burning sensation at the end of urination; urine only dribbles while sitting, but passes more freely when the person is standing up; and flakes or sediment are sometimes seen in the urine, Sarsaparilla is often useful. Sarsaparilla can help when the kidneys are involved or stones are forming, but a medical doctor’s care is also needed.
If the patient needs to urinate frequently, with a sense that urine will leak if there is a delay, and there are small amounts of involuntary urine loss, Sepia may be helpful. Other symptoms include pressure above the pubic bone or a bearing-down feeling in the bladder region.
If a woman’s bladder becomes inflamed after sexual intercourse, especially if sexual activity is new to her, the homeopath might suggest Staphysagria. There also might be a constant burning sensation, a feeling that a drop of urine is rolling down the urethra, or a sense of pressure in the bladder after urinating, as if it is still not empty.
Common Causes of Urinary Bladder Infections
Some women are prone to urinary bladder infections because the cells in their vaginal area and urethra are more easily invaded by bacteria. Irritation or injury to the vagina or urethra also presents an opportunity for bacteria to multiply. After menopause, the walls of the vagina and urethra become thin, making these areas less resistant to bacteria. Because the openings of the bowel, vagina, and urethra are close together, bacteria can easily spread to the bladder, and sometimes to the kidneys. An untreated kidney infection can result in bacteria entering the bloodstream, which can be life threatening. Get immediate treatment of urinary bladder infections from a medical doctor.

What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a complementary therapy that involves small, diluted doses of substances from plants, animals, or minerals to treat the very symptoms the substance would produce in the body if introduced in undiluted quantities. Homeopathy encourages the immune system to respond in a way similar to the principles of vaccinations and allergy shots. Homeopathic preparations are regulated by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and U. S. Food and Drug Administration regulations. Homeopathic products used in the treatment of serious medical conditions should be dispensed by a licensed practitioner, but those used to treat symptoms recognizable to the consumer may be sold over-the-counter.
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