How to Use Bilberry to Treat Diabetes
How to Use Bilberry to Treat Diabetes
By eHow Health Editor

Bilberry can be used as a remedy for many ailments, from diarrhea to arthritis, due to its high level of anti-oxidants and anthocyanidins. Its use for the treatment of diabetes, however, must be supervised by your physician, since it can interact unfavorably with some medications.

Instructions Difficulty: Moderate

Things YouÌll Need:
Doctor or health care professional
Dried, fresh or frozen bilberries
Bilberry extract or tea
Distilled or purified water
Blood glucose meter

Step1Consult with your physician or health care professional about the use of bilberry to treat some of the symptoms of diabetes. While bilberry can be extremely effective in improving blood circulation to the extremities, which can be an issue with most diabetics, it can also interact unfavorably with some types of diabetic medications. Bilberry can lower blood sugar to dangerous levels when used in conjunction with these types of prescription drugs.

Step2Consider the use of bilberry to treat diabetes if you are more prone to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) than hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). While many diabetics may experience peaks and valleys in blood glucose levels, bilberry may be a more viable option for those diabetics who maintain consistently high blood sugar levels.

Step3Eat bilberries in their natural form, whether dried, fresh or frozen. By eating the actual berries, you body will be able to synthesize the anthocyanidins and anti-oxidants more slowly due to the fiber content of the fruit. Taking bilberry in a liquid form or extract may be too potent, since those compounds can enter the bloodstream too quickly.

Step4Use bilberry in tea, juice or extract form in small quantities frequently throughout the day to avoid the effects of hypoglycemia. Use your blood glucose meter while taking bilberry in a liquid form to monitor your blood sugar and determine how it reacts to these compounds. If there is a noticeable fluctuation in your blood sugar patterns, go back to eating the berries.

Step5Follow up with your doctor to determine if bilberry has been able to improve the diabetes symptoms caused by poor blood circulation, such as dry, cracked heels, cuts and sores that won't heal properly or tingling and numbness in the extremities.

Tips & Warnings
Other berries, such as blueberries, blackberries and black currants, may also contain high levels of anti-oxidants and anthocyanidins, and are less likely to lower blood sugar levels than bilberries. Consider these fruits as a viable alternative.

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