Hypoglycemia Forum
Hypoglycemia Forum
Welcome to the Hypoglycemia Forum. This forum is dedicated to providing hypoglycemics and their family members with support and information. In addition, people who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or any other chronic illness are welcome here!
If you or someone you know suffers from hypoglycemia, CFS or FMS please feel free to join our group and post your questions or comments on the message board. Together, we can cope with these illnesses and bring about public understanding.
Posting Messages
At first the forum might seem a bit confusing to newbies to Delphi, but you'll quickly get the hang of it.
After you arrive on the start page, you can click any of the message titles on the left in order to read or reply to previous messages.
To start a new discussion, go to the top left corner and press "post." A screen will come up where you can post your message, and there's a pull down menu for category.
You can also choose between "Advanced" and "Basic" for your message board preference. Experiment a bit to see which one suits you best. The option is at the bottom of the right screen and is accessible when you read or post a new message. One of the great things about the advanced is that you can enlarge the size of the text. It will also make it easier to find previous messages later.
To customize your member or message board preferences, go to the top of the screen where it says "MY DELPHI" and click on the link. You'll be taken to another delphi page, and at the bottom left corner, there are links to various member options. You can change your member or message board preferences, add a signature, or change your member information.
And if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or address the problem on the message board.
Member Information
What does it require to become a member of the forum? Nothing. By dropping by the forum you automatically become a member. Even if you merely choose to lurk, you're still a member.
Forum Rules
There aren't a lot of rules, but here they are in a nutshell:
No flaming allowed. Please don't insult other members!
No foul language. It's against Delphi's rules!
No demeaning religious, political, or racial statements allowed. In fact, I'd prefer that members avoid posting about any of these three topics or other controversial subjects in order to avoid a flame war.
No Spamming! I absolutely hate spammers. That includes other forum hosts who drop by only to invite members to their forum. You can have a link to other sites, chats, and forums in your signature, and it's fine to post information about a personal homepage or non-profit agency or website, but please don't post a message to broadcast a business site or other Delphi forum without permission. If in doubt, ask. It's just common courtesy.