Institute for Diabetes Discovery
Institute for Diabetes Discovery

We at the Institute for Diabetes Discovery are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of people suffering from diabetes and its devastating complications through novel drug discovery. Our experienced scientists work continuously on our defined areas of research focus: diabetic complications, insulin resistance, diabetic dyslipidemia, obesity, and glycation.

Our science team has proved its extensive knowledge of drug discovery of novel treatments and therapeutics for diabetes. With IDD 676 (lidorestat), a potent aldose reductase inhibitor (ARI) for diabetic complications, we filed an IND within 30 months of commencing discovery. Using the latest in biology, chemistry, and discovery resources available, our science management will continue our commitment to improving the lives of those with diabetes.

Who we are

To reduce the impact of this disease and its incumbent human, social, and financial costs, we at IDD have created a tightly woven network of:

In-house scientists who bring with them a wealth of pharmaceutical expertise in the field of diabetes research.
Extensive collaborations with industry and academic institutions.
An advisory board comprised of world-renowned scientific leaders in diabetes research.

IDD unites the finest drug discovery scientists in the field of diabetes with an experienced and distinguished pharmaceutical management team. This expertise allows for IDD to take concepts from basic science through drug discovery to IND filings within a rapid timeframe.

All Other
Alissa Hamilton

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