LANTUS® Insulin Success Stories

LANTUS® Insulin Success Stories

Real World Testimonials About LANTUS®

We hope these stories of people who have been successful on LANTUS® will inspire your own success on LANTUS®.

Loves having to inject long-acting insulin only once a day

Before I was on LANTUS® I was on two other insulins, and my blood sugar was not in good control. My healthcare providers introduced me to LANTUS® about 1 year ago. I was undecided at first about this change. I began to take LANTUS® along with my mealtime insulin and it helped me to gain better control of my blood sugars. I love only having to take one injection a day of LANTUS® at the same time each day. Thank you for this wonderful product. I recommend that everyone with type 1 diabetes talk to their healthcare provider about whether LANTUS® may be right for them.
(Individual results may vary.)
Submitted By: Rebecca

Overcame initial fear of needles
About 1 year ago at the age of 53 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Having watched my mother die at the age of 59 from poor blood sugar control, which led to diabetic complications, I was really scared. We started on the pills. After trying endless combinations of this pill and that pill, my sugar level was no better. About 6 months ago my healthcare provider said let's try LANTUS®. With the help of LANTUS®, along with my pills, I have been able to lower my A1C levels. I was very hesitant to use needles but have found it to be just fine. My biggest tip is to let the LANTUS® come to room temperature for the least amount of discomfort when injecting. Thank you LANTUS®!
(Individual results may vary.)
Submitted By: Ronni

Wishes everyone could have lower blood sugar levels
My blood sugar was out of control, so I was put on LANTUS® - one shot a day at the same time each day in addition to my oral diabetes medication. With the help of LANTUS®, my blood sugar levels are lower. I wish everyone could have the same results.
(Individual results may vary.)
Submitted By: Mack

Would not miss a dose of LANTUS® for anything
I was someone who pretty much refused to take my healthcare provider's advice to see a diabetes educator.
Suddenly I started losing weight very rapidly. I thought this was great until I realized my urine was thick like a thin syrup and smelled really bad. My wife complained of my breath, and my back hurt every morning, especially around my kidneys.

I finally went to see the diabetes educator. She took blood tests and found my A1C was very high. I was passing protein in my urine, and I could not get a lipids reading due to my A1C value.

My healthcare provider put me on LANTUS® once a day at the same time each day for two weeks. I controlled my diet. I returned two weeks later and she increased my dose of LANTUS®. This went on for a few months, and I started using a quick-acting insulin with meals; however, I kept on the LANTUS® to cover me between meals and for liver-released sugars.

LANTUS® has helped me to manage my blood sugar levels. I would not miss a dose of LANTUS® for anything.
(Individual results may vary.)

Submitted By: Michael

55 Corporate Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807


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