LIFETAG? Medical Identification
If you have a medical condition and don't want to advertise it to the world, LIFETAG? has the products for you.
From car decals to key chains, shoe tags to stick ons and an assortment of fashionable and attractive jewelry, our products can alert the medics in an emergency situation.
Our LIFETAG? products include medical identification for the following conditions: Allergic, Alert, Asthma, Alzheimers, Coumadin, Diabetes, Dialysis, Do Not Resuscitate, Emphysema, Epilepsy, Food Allergy, Heart, Hemophiliac, Hypertension, Insulin Pump, Latex Allergy, Left Lymphedema, L/R Lymphedema, Medication, No MRI, Organ Donor, Pacemaker, Peanut Allergy, Penicillin Allergy, Right Lymphedema, Seizures and Transplant.
For more information about LIFETAG? and its mission, please read the About LIFETAG? section of this website.
5857 N. Mesa Ste. 19, El Paso TX 79912