Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust (LTHT)
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust (LTHT)
Trust Headquarters,
St James University Hospital,
Beckett Street,
LS9 7TF.
Tel: 0113 2065859

About us

The Children's & Young Persons Diabetes Service was established in 1999 following the merger of Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and St James's University Hospital (SJUH) into the Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust (LTHT). Since the merger, we now have over 300 young people in our service which makes us one of the biggest Children's Diabetes Teams in the country. We have established close working relationships with our adult services on both sides of the city and young people are transferred over as young adults somewhere between 16-18 years of age.

Our aims

The aim of this service is to provide high quality seamless care across the city for all young people who are diagnosed with diabetes. This involves providing up-to-date information on new developments in diabetes and offering modern methods of treatment with insulin pumps and new types of insulin.

The website has been established as a co-operative adventure between the Diabetes Team and you who use the service. Many of you will be used to using websites and we would like you to contribute towards our service. Please spend some time following the web site and contact use via e-mail (kate.barker@leedsth.nhs.uk) to feed back your comments. We would very much like your input and ideas on this website so please do not hesitate to contact us. Why not start now and visit behind the scene web page to meet all the people involved in helping you with your diabetes care.

Using the website

Down the left hand side of the web page you will find a list of different subjects on diabetes care, which includes your blue information folder in case you need to refer to it as well as the Top Tips leaflets which some of you may have received.

* We have links to holiday information and recent developments in the diabetes field which we try and update regularly.


This website is designed for use by the Leeds Children's Diabetes Team and children and parents referred to their service. Every effort has been made to make sure there are no errors on the website. If you think there are any inaccuracies could you please e-mail us so that we can check. kate.barker@leedsth.nhs.uk

All content © Leeds Teaching Hospitals
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