Lions Pride Campaign
Lions Pride Campaign
Make a Difference in the Life of a SPECIAL Child

Continuing our Legacy of Serving Others

In Wisconsin, the Lions presence ranks among the top three states in the nation as a community service force; there is a Lion for every 260 Wisconsin citizens. Some 581 Lions Clubs fulfill their “We Serve” motto in local communities— and their efforts are further supported by 118 Lioness and 48 Leo Clubs.

For half a century, the crown jewel—the pride—of Wisconsin Lions has been Lions Camp: founded to provide, free, life-changing experiences for special children from all our communities. That vision—administered by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation—has also extended to include services for statewide projects in which all local Clubs participate: hearing, children’s vision screening, diabetes, eyeglass recycling, youth services and more.

The public need for Lions services is expanding, but so is the cost of providing even current services. Fortuitously, Wisconsin Lions have not experienced the same level of membership decline as some other service organizations, but membership contributions and Foundation funding are nonetheless extreme challenges.

The Lions of Wisconsin launched a statewide permanent endowment fundraising program with a $25 million goal—the Lions Pride Campaign—for their Wisconsin Lions Foundation [a 501c(3)]. The Campaign’s success—the interest provided by this endowment undertaking—is essential to the future of Lions Camp as well as other statewide local community projects.

The Lions Pride Campaign goal is to secure the financial support necessary to preserve the Wisconsin Lions legacy of serving others. All contributions are greatly appreciated.

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