MO HealthNet for Kids
This program provides healthcare coverage for children under 19 years of age whose family income falls within certain guidelines.
Who Is Eligible ?
A child:
* who is under 19 years of age;
* who applies for a social security number;
* who lives in Missouri and intends to remain;
* who is a United States citizen or an eligible qualified non-citizen (NOTE: receipt of MO HealthNet benefits does NOT subject qualified non-citizens to public charge consideration, see a full list of benefits not subject to public charge consideration);
* the parent must cooperate with Child Support Enforcement (CSE) in the pursuit of medical support; and
* whose countable family income meets the income guidelines below
MO HealthNet for Kids Non-SCHIP
Children (regardless of insurance status) are eligible if monthly net family income does not exceed the following:
* 185% FPL for children under age 1
* 133% FPL for ages 1-5
* 100% FPL for ages 6-18
Uninsured children whose income is over the above limits, and whose monthly gross family income is under 150% FPL, are also eligible.
Children with monthly family income above the limits referenced above may be eligible under the State Children's Health Insurance Program if the following criteria are met.
MO HealthNet for Kids (SCHIP)
* family gross income over 150% FPL up to 300% FPL;
* they are uninsured for 6 months;
* have family assets with a net worth of less than $250,000;
* children in families with gross income over 150% FPL cannot have access to affordable health insurance (from $64 to $161 per month, based on family size and income) and the family must pay a monthly premium. Premiums amounts change July of each year. Premiums range from a minimum of $12 to a maximum of $294 per month. Premiums amounts change July of each year. The premium is based on family size and income to insure that no family pays more than 5% of their income for coverage. View the Premium Schedules
Missouri Department of Social Services
221 West High Street • P.O. Box 1527 • Jefferson City, MO 65102-1527
Telephone: (573) 751-4815