MedSchool Forums: Diabetic Ketoacidosis
MedSchool Forums: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

As a relatively common clinical problem this week I've chosen a review from the AAFP discussing the diagnosis and treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. We've all heard of the acetone breath and stupor associated with this potentially devastating complication, this article takes us into the depths of the condition in 10 succinct pages to understand the presentation, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment as well as its pathophysiology and varied etiologies. How do we clinically differentiate between HONKC and DKA? Does haemachromatosis or acanthosis nigracans have a relationship to DKA? What is the standard laboratory assessment of a DKA or HONKC patient and how do I manage them? If you're interested download the pdf (there is a PDF attachment to the post) or visit the AAFP website for a full selection of review articles.

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